Antarctic Drilling (ANDRILL) Site Survey
Michelle Brand-Buchanan, ARMADA Master Teacher
Print Resources
- Fox, William. Terra Antarctica : Looking into the Emptiest Continent. Texas: Trinity University Press, 2005.
I used this book as preparation for my own experience. It prepared me for the sites of Antarctica as well as the dangers that I might encounter. I also read pieces of this book to my classes to also give them a visual of the conditions I would be living in.
- Johnson, Rebecca. Antarctic Adventure. Washington, D.C.: National Geographic Society, 2006.
I found this book off of the website Secrets of the Ice ( when I was doing some random searching in Antarctica. It was perfect for my middle school students; a piece of nonfiction specifically written for children.
- Kinghorn, Harriet, Helen Colella, Diane Fusaro. Antarctica & Australia: Reading, Writing, Research : 100 Reproducible Activities. Michigan: Instructional Fair, 1995.
Even though this book was contains activities for students grades 4 - 6, I still used them in my classroom. It included web quests, interactive websites, and other technological activities.
- Moore, Jo Ellen, Marilyn Evans, and Cindy Davis. Antarctica. California: Evan-Moor Educational Publishers, 1999.
I purchased this book in New Zealand at the Antarctic Centre in Christchurch. Topics and activities include: locating Antarctica, water forms and ice of Antarctica, Antarctica cross section, geographic regions, glaciers and icebergs, Antarctic plants and animals, the exploration of Antarctica, science research stations, compares and contrasts the poles, plus a really cool pop up topographic map of Antarctica and the oceans surrounding it.
- Myers, Walter Dean. Antarctica-Journeys to the South Pole. New York: Scholastic, Scholastic, 2004.
I read these little-known stories about the exploration of Antarctica to my students once a week. The journals included written by real explorers made "story time" exciting.
Web Resources
- Australian Government, Department of Environment and Heritage. Australian
Antarctic Division. 24 May 2005. 04April 2006.
This website offers a plethora of k-12 lessons, activities, and extensions ideas pertaining to Antarctic education. I used these activities in my classroom as well as in my presentations.
- Berge, Megan. Antarctic Drilling Program. 01 August 2005. 04 April 2006.
The ANDRILL website provided multiple education links that helped me incorporate my experience into the classroom. Also on the ANDRILL site are all of the past coring projects, outcomes and future projects.
- Hoff, David J. "Real world' science accented in class." Education Week 23 May
2001. 05 April 2006.
A TEA teacher wrote this journal. Given the fact that my experience stemmed from TEA, I thoroughly enjoyed reading this article. Although Hoff did not have a similar experience that I did, he wrote great ideas for activities for his classroom. I manipulated the activities for my own classroom.
- Jayatilleke, Ruwan. "Teach Across Antarctica! - Ann Bancroft and Liv Arnesen - a Brief Article." Instructor 01 October 2000. 05 April 2006.
I read this very short article to my students at the beginning of school as a means to not make me so very special. I mentions 2 other teachers going to Antarctica.
- LaRosa, Elizabeth. 12 March 2006. 07 April 2006.
This website is one of my favorites. I love her activities for the middle school student, and she allows you to manipulate her activities so that they are more relevant to your students. I used her seasons activities to help my students visually compute why the poles experience 24 hours of darkness and daylight.