Impacts of eddies & mixing on biogeochemical cycling in the Sargasso Sea
James Dornicik, ARMADA Master Teacher
Web Resources
- Café Thorium, EDDIES Project- Sargasso Sea. Woods Hole Oceanographic institution
This is a description of a similar EDDY research project that is based in the Sargasso Sea.
- EDdies Dynamics, MIxing, Export, and Species composition, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.
Description of the Eddies Project and which documented eddy-driven transport of nutrients into the euphotic zone and the associated accumulation of chlorophyll.
- Ocean Sciences; Eddies and Fronts: Mesoscale Physical-Biological-Biogeochemical Linkages in the Open Ocean IV. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.
This page is primarily focused on the results of the Sargasso Sea research project. It discusses both the cyclonic and anti-cyclonic eddies and their transport of nutrients.
- Impacts of Eddies on Zooplankton Community Structure and Biogeochemical Cycling in the Open Ocean. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.
This page discussed how eddies may actually account for a significant percentage of global oceanic primary production mainly from zooplankton, in the open ocean.
- Ocean Eddies Web site. All I Need.
This page describes a research study that was completed by the University of CapeTown that studied how eddies help transport sea water from the Indian Ocean to the South Atlantic.
- Sea Surface Temperature Observatons from Satellite. Johns Hopkins University.
This website talks about how satellite use IR sensors d to measure the temperature across large expanses of the ocean surface. This data can then be used to permit scientists to observe ocean circulation and locate major ocean currents.
This website would be quite useful in a middle school setting. It describes how Eddies and Gryes form. The site has many useful drawings and maps that would help students gain an understanding of these events.
- Biogeochemical Tracers in a High Resolution Simulations of Ocean Circulation in the North Atlantic. Massachusetts Institute of Technology
This page discusses how bathymeric data is used to model the effects of Gulf Stream upwelling in the North Atlantic.
- Temperature and Salinity Variability in Thermohaline Staircase Layers. Massachusetts Institute of Technology
The page discussed if eddies an important contributor to subduction in the eastern subtropical gyre. They used numerical models with observations to produce a state estimate of the ocean circulation.
- Lab Studies of Stirring by Small-Scale Geostrophic Motions. University of Rhode Island
This page describes a research experiment done at University of Rhode Island that involved using a mixing tank to study mixing in the open ocean.