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Sumatra Earthquake and Tsunami Offshore Survey (SEATOS)

Susan Holt, ARMADA Master Teacher

Print Resources
  • Press, Frank and Siever, Raymond. 1974. Earth. W.H. Freeman and Company.
    Although this text is older, it is an excellent reference to the basics of geology. With the description of internal processes of earth at an introductory level, it allows one access to background that is needed to work with the concept of earthquakes and tsunamis.
Web Resources Audio/Visual Resources
  • America's Tsunami: Are We Next? DVD. Discovery Channel. 2005
    This is the resulting documentary of research in the Indian Ocean that was, in part, sponsored by the British Broadcasting Company and included an ARMADA Project sponsored teacher aboard the research vessel, The Performer. Looks at the results of the research into the cause of the devastating December, 2004 tsunami and applies this knowledge to the possible events of a similar event off the Pacific Coast of the United States.