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AUV Engineering Trial in Fram Straight in Support of the Gakkel Ridge Expedition

Kathy Couchon, ARMADA Master Teacher
Tom O'Connell, ARMADA Mentee

Print Resources
  • Imbert, B. 1992. North Pole, South Pole: Journeys to the Ends of the Earth. (NY): Harry N. Abrams. 91 pp.
    This short, but fascinating history of polar exploration was written by a former officer in the French Free Navy who was in charge of Antarctic Exploration during the 1955 International Geophysical Year. It includes wonderful historical photographs and maps.
  • [NOAA] National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Office of Ocean Exploration. 2005. Arctic Ocean Exploration Educator's Guide. 96 pp.
    This collection of lesson plans for grades 5-12 was produced to correspond with an Ocean Exploration expedition in summer 2002 to the Canada Basin in the Arctic Ocean. This is one of the resources in NOAA's curriculum collection. NOAA's Office of Ocean Exploration regularly conducts teacher workshops on these expeditions and on using the curriculum materials in the classroom. See the NOAA site highlighted below.
Web Resources
  • Arctic Seafloor Expedition 2007; New Robotics Tools Will Allows Researchers to Look for Vents, Life on Arctic Ocean Floor
    Site on the Woods Hole Oceanographic web site that provides great detail on the 207 AGAVE expedition. Visitors can read an overview explanation of the expedition, read news releases, and learn about the technology, tools and scientists involved. Video, animations and podcasts are included.
  • Dive and Discover - Expedition 11: Gakkel Ridge
    This site was prepared for visitors to follow along on the expedition in real-time during the summer of 2007. It includes rich resources including daily updates from the scientists, video and still photos. Archived e-mails between expedition followers and expedition personnel are also available. A few simple activities are included (crossword puzzles). The Hot Topics section includes links to more in-depth science content topics associated with the expedition. Examples are Ice-Breaking, Hydrothermal Vents, and Looking for Microbes.
  • Edmonds, H. N. et al. 2003. Discovery of abundant hydrothermal venting on the ultraslow-spreading Gakkel ridge in the Arctic Ocean. Nature 421, 252-256 (16 January 2003)
    The scientific paper written a s a letter to Nature magazine describing the discovery of the ultra-slow spreading hydrothermal vents on the Gakkel Ridge in the Arctic Ocean.
  • Into the Abyss. Nova Online.
    This website was created to correspond with the DVD Volcanoes of the Deep. It includes information on the mission, log entries, historical timelines, history of ocean exploration technologies, and a great collection of resources as well as pertinent science content.
  • NOAA Ocean Explorer Explorations: Arctic Exploration 2002
    This website was designed to correspond to an expedition to the Canada Basin in the Arctic Ocean in the summer of 2002. Fifty scientists from 4 countries collaboratively utilized ice-breakers and ROVs to explore below the ice. The site includes a Mission Summary, scientist logs and a wealth of video and still photos as well as modules on particular habitats and communities.
  • Roach, J. "Hydrothermal Vents Found in Arctic Ocean". National Geographic News 23 January 2003.
    An article detailing one of the first explorations to the Gakkel Ridge in 2001 that encouraged the summer 2007 AGAVE cruise.
Audio/Visual Resources
  • Arctic Tale. DVD. Paramount. 2007
    This family friendly tale is narrated by Queen Latifah and follows two arctic families, polar bears and walruses, from birth of the cub and pup, through two seasons. Wonderful video footage and examples of very real consequences to these animals due to global climate change.
  • Planet Earth: Pole to Pole, Mountains & Deep Ocean, HD DVD, Discovery Channel/BBC, 2007
    This 3 part DVD narrated by Sigourney Weaver explores habitats and wildlife from the North Pole to the South as the seasons change, high in mountains such as the Andes and Himalayas and in the ocean's depths. Extraordinary cinematography and great science makes this appealing to all ages.
  • Volcanoes of the Deep, DVD. Image Entertainment. 2003
    This 45 minute DVD highlights a voyage 12000 feet beneath the sea surface to the oceanic ridge in the Pacific Northwest. This movie, narrated by Ed Harris and produced by James Cameron, was originally created and shown in IMAX theaters. A wonderful exploration of black smokers at hydrothermal vents.