Hook How is the activity related to polar science? Why is this activity interesting or useful? What application does this activity have?
Title This can be descriptive or "catchy." If this is "catchy" add a descriptive subtitle
Subtitle Descriptive title so that users have an idea of what the activity is about
Author Contact How do colleagues find you?
Overview and Objectives What will the students do? What are their learning outcomes?
Grade Level/Discipline Target student level with possible applications to other grade levels.
National Standards Which NSES/Benchmark does this activity support?
Teacher Preparation for Activity Pre-activity set-up What should the facilitator do/get before the activity starts?
Time Frame How long will the activity take (e.g. 2 one-hour classes; 1 week of 1 and 1/2 hour sessions)?
Teaching Sequence The following categories can be filled or left blank with respect to how they apply to your activity. In some cases, the entire activity may fit under the "Elaboration" section.
How do you carry out this activity in your classroom? Tricks? Traps?
Engagement and Exploration (Student InquiryActivity) Appetizer. Introduction of concepts to students; may be hands-on activity in its own right.
Explanation (Discussing) Palate Cleanser; preparing for the next course. Discussion of what happened in the engagement and exploration section
Elaboration (Polar Applications) Main course. Application of the explanation to the main investigation
Exchange (Students Draw Conclusions) Dessert. Students determine what happened in their investigation and why. (Conclusion)
Evaluation (Assessing Student Performance) How can the teacher assess student outcome?
Background Explanation with links to original research (historical and current), possible misconceptions
Resources and Reference Materials
Student Reproducible Masters Hook Why should the student be interested in the activity? Think fun and interesting......
Discussion Questions/Extensions ......
Data Database for use with activity
More Data Database for use with activity
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