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Global Scales
An Investigation of Barometric Pressure and Gravitational Pull: Does It Influence Body Weight?

data | hook | main | background & resources | student

You may choose to work either alone or in pairs to investigate your own body weight as compared and contrasted to different regions around the world (i.e. S. Pole, N. Pole, Equator, Seattle, etc.). Using graphs, you will present your findings to the class while showing/explaining your mathematical calculations. You will explain why weight is different at the various locations in terms of gravitational pull and barometric pressure.


  • Computers with internet access
  • Bathroom scale
  • Recording paper for weather data
  • Collected data on barometric pressure and gravitational pull
  • Colored pencils or markers
  • Graph paper
  • Poster paper


    Discussions Questions/Extensions ......

  • Why do barometric pressure and gravitational pull at different regions of the world affect body weight?
  • Why and how are barometric pressure and gravitational pull different at various regions of the world?

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    data | hook | main | background & resources | student