The Case of the Missing Penguins
A Protein Analysis Activity
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Author Contact Information
This activity is derived from an unpublished activity developed by teachers and researchers, through the National Association of Biology Teachers (NABT), for a collection of shoestring budget biotechnology activities. Glenn Zwanzig, duPont Manual High School szwanzig@iglou.com
Students will strengthen their problem solving and critical thinking skills.
Students will learn the principles of electrophoresis.
Students will gain a basic understanding of proteins.
Grade Level/Discipline
9th and 10th grade biology students
National Standards
Content Standard A: Science as Inquiry Content Standard C: Functions of the Cell
Pre-activity set-up
In preparation for this activity the teacher will need to prepare the following solutions. (Most of the solutions can be purchased already mixed.)
* Gel destaining solution: add 500mL white vinegar to 500mL of distilled water.
* Laemmli Buffer: mix 0.2 mL SDS (pH to 8.5), 22g Tris Base, and 12 g Boric acid, add distlled water to a total volume of 2 L, mix well.
* Sample Preparation Buffer: Mix 50 mL Laemmli buffer, 5 g table sugar and 0.05 Bromophenol Blue.
* Denaturing gels (optional: teacher may elect to have the students make their own gels.): mix 2 g agarose im 50 mL Laemmli buffer, heat to boiling in a microwave or on a hot plate. Pour into gel casting trays when the container is comfortable to hold in the palm of your hand. Cover gels with Laemmli buffer until ready to use.
white light box, microwave or hot plate, pH meter, table sugar, white vinegar, microcentrifuge, distilled water, 95 degree celcius hot water bath, electrophoresis equipment, staining trays, DNA tracking dye, agarose, 1.5 mL or 2 mL microcentrifuge tubes, 15 mL centrifuge tubes, Tris Base, Boric Acid, Coommassie Blue stain, Bromophenol Blue, 80 uL High Protein Molecular Weight Standards (High range)
Time Frame
The activity will take about 3 days to complete depending on the class discussions generated. The teacher preparation time is about 2 hours.
Engagement and Exploration (Student Inquiry Activity
To begin this activity the teacher should review proteins and how they differ. The teacher should also guide the students until they have a correct method of analysis.
Explanation (Discussing)
Elaboration (Polar Applications)
Exchange (Students Draw Conclusions)
Once students have finished their analysis they should compare their results and discuss reasons for any discrepancies.
Evaluation (Assessing Student Performance)
The teacher can develop a rubric that will assess the student's techniques and the reasoning behind their methodologies.
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