17 August, 2001
Technology and Teamwork
I am happy to report today that our e-mail system seems to be on track.
Yesterday a crewmember discovered that a scientist had brought aboard a
virus called the "Red Alert Virus". This virus had been disabling the Coast
Guard system, but today the outlook for communication is much brighter. I
did receive over 50 e-mails yesterday and replied to most of them today.
I have learned quickly that life here in the Arctic is very unpredictable,
so you must be flexible. The 4 German scientists who came over for a visit
ended up having a sleepover on the Healy due to a rapid change in weather
conditions. Ice buildup on the helicopter deck prevented their return to
the Polarstern. Toothbrushes, towels, and sheets were scraped up and a bed
was made for each visitor. The helicopter was able to come this morning to
take the scientists back. When it arrived to pick them up, the Coast Guard
was glad because it brought over with it a very important piece of
Last week, the Healy had a very major part break. This part improves the
ship's ability to steer! The bow, or front of the ship, contains a bow
thruster-a hole that opens to shoot out water at a rate of 130,000 gallons
(2 ½ swimming pools) per minute. This water shoots out both sides in order
to help control the ship's movement to the left and right. A large metal
connecting rod that controls which direction the water flows broke, and the
ship lost some of its ability to move sideways. Loosing this part also
meant losing the bow wash-the mechanism that drives water out onto the ice
in front of the ship to help decrease friction (and thus increase its
ability to move easily through the ice). Unfortunately for the Healy, the
proper equipment wasn't on board to repair the broken part or build a new
one. However, the German icebreaker had what was needed. Our engineers
e-mailed the manufacturer of the broken part asking for information, and
they responded by e-mailing us a picture. A piece of metal was then flown
to the Polarstern where their engineers made an identical part from the
picture. The whole process took almost a week, but the result is that we
now have the ability to maneuver properly. Now that's teamwork!
For updates on weather and location, check out www.uscg.mil/paccrea/healy

Coast Guard engineer Neil Meister holds the broken part. There should be no hole where his hand is! <>
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