29 November, 1999
Monday November 29, 1999
Got up at 0220 this morning, I just could not sleep. I have a lot on my
mind: last week of project, plans for dry valley, plans for redeployment,
what's going on at school, a new roommate, how is everything with Darcy and
all my children?
In any case, got to Crary about 0250 and began finishing up a journal. Got
everything ready to role and went to send it and suddenly my entire address
book was gone. That address book as of yesterday contained 286 names and
email addresses.
I was in shock. I closed everything out twice; I tried other computers, I
even sent a pan\pan\pan to Darcy, of course there is nothing she can do
either. I was devastated. I do not need to spend my time (I don't have the
time I am working many 20 hour days now) typing in all those addresses
again, but then again I don't even have those addresses. Now that I think
of it, I don't even have my kids email addresses. What to do? Well, I had
other work to do and since the computer help people wouldn't be in for two
hours I tried to do other work. Too frustrated and upset. So I sat around
and drank hot chocolate.
Finally help arrived. They don't know how; they don't know why my book
disappeared all I care about is that they found it. Thank goodness. I am
oh so so relieved. I sent out journals and now must go to a meeting.
Barb and I worked all day on a survey for the parcticipants and the
collaborating teachers. We struggled with every word trying to make it
concise yet clear. Obviously not an easy task, at least for me. I tend to
pontificate. I left the Crary at 1530 hours, so far that's a1300 day and
there is more to come. Went to do my laundry and got to dinner about 1730
hours. I shared dinner with Thomas Nylen, a geologist with the LTER project
who will speak tonight to our group.
As usual I had to play doorman for our groups since Crary is locked after
1730 hours. By the time I got up to the room tonight's speaker had already
started to discuss the topic of the night, the antifreeze molecules that are
found in the blood of certain Antarctic fishes. These molecules, I believe
she said there were eight different ones are all protein structures and have
molecular weights ranging from 30 to 80 kilodaltons. (Who knows what a
kilodalton is? I'll help "little", its 1000 daltons.) Evidently these
molecule bind in such a way that the water molecules cannot freeze. This
allows fish to live in water whose temperature is -1.5oC. Unreal! As I
said I got to the presentation late so missed most of it. What I did not
miss tough was the trip to the fish antifreeze lab (AKA aquarium). Here
there were specimens of the Antarctic cod, not really a cod, called Mawsoni,
plus several other species. These fish, the Mawsoni, get quite large. How
about 249 pounds worth of largeness. Unbelievable!
In the same area there were many non-icthyological species as well. In
fact, there were probably more different species of invertebrate marine life
in these tanks then all the macroscopic species of animals found on the
entire continent of Antarctica out together.
There were a multitude of different Echinoderms (starfish) including one
that is very numerous in McMurdo Sound called Odonaster validus. There were
four or five varieties of Porifera (sponges) including the very pretty and
quite large, cactus sponge Dendrilla membranosa. They had numerous
Cnidarians including several types of sea anemones and corals. The phylum
Mollusca was also well represented with the typical squid like critter know
as Clione antarctica , a couple of octopuses and a very uncommon mollusk, at
least one I had never seen before in real life, known as a nudibranch.
These were amazing critters. The most interesting things to me were an
Isopod, probably 5" long, and another Arthropod known as a Pycnogoid (Sea
spider). This spider like organism was about 4'' across and is a very
aggressive predator feeding on many of the Cnidarians, including corals,
jellyfish and sea anemones. These tanks were truly something to behold.
The second speaker of the night was Thomas Nylen, a glaciologist working for
the LTER project (Long Term Ecological Research) in the dry valleys. Dr.
Nylen talked about the dry valleys, that set of four valleys that supposedly
represent the driest and coldest place on the planet earth (see my journal
of 11/24/99). The annual melted precipitation is < 6 cm/year and average
mean temperature of -2oC. This is remarkable.
Tom stated that one of his tasks was to monitor the mass balance of the
glaciers in these valleys. Mass balance refers to a comparison of the gain
in the build up of snow and ice as compared with the loss of ice. He does
this in a very labor intensive and non-techological way. Be drills hole
into the glacier and sticks bamboo rods into them. Then twice a year he
goes to each pole and measures both how much the snow or ice level has
changes, to within 1 mm. He also monitors how far the glacier moves down
valley. These poles are located on the glacier by a system of satellite
triangulation's known as a Global Positioning System or GPS. A GPS unit of
the type used by Tom can give a resolution down less the 1cm. That means he
can find this pole's original location on the entire earth and not be off as
much as 1 centimeter (and there are 2.54 cm = 1 inch). Now that some kind
of precise science!
Tom stated that glaciers lose mass in two ways. One is by sublimation,
where solid water, ice, changes directly into water vapor and the other is
by melting. In Antarctica 80% of the mass is lost through sublimation and
20% by melting. There is little or no change in the mass balance that can
be seen. Tom said that is because things move slowly in Antarctica he stated
it would take an Antarctic glacier about 1000 years to move as far as a
typical Alaskan glacier moves in 10 years. One hundred times slower.
Another project that Tom is working on is involved with the dating of
different layers of dirt and debris found in the glacier. He referred to
this a process as Optical Simulation Luminescence (OPL). He described it in
the following way: When light hits ice some of it gets absorbed, that light
will escape over time and what the OPL system does is somehow measures the
amount of light left behind in the ice. This amount is then compared it to
the amount that would be there today in the ice. Using this number one can
work backwards and find out how old the ice is. Tom said one of he
toughest things to do is to collect his three-foot cores, without exposing
them to light. Tom will be at Lake Hoare when I am there next week. I am
hoping he will allow me to work with him. I'll keep you posted.
Well it is now 2347 hours and that makes today just about 22 hours long I am
tired and not really feeling well. I think I'll go to mid rats and then
call it a night. Till tomorrow.
Penguin Pete the Polar Man

This is an example of a about 140 pound fish, the biggest Mawsoni caught was 249 pound so almost 100 pounds bigger then this one. Wow! <> Photo by De Vries Research Team
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