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Annual Report for Colleen Brogenski Teacher Info Page | Annual Login Page
Continued Collaboration with Research Team Members
Type of Interaction / Outcomes / Dates / Locations / Parcticipants:
I gave a public lecture at New Mexico Museum of Natural Science in Albequerque in March, 2003. Approximately 100 people were in attendance. I showed a PowerPoint presentation and spoke for an hour and then invited Dr. Philip Kyle and four of his graduate students to help answer questions. Dr. Kyle brought sample lava bombs for the visitors to examine, as well as cystals to hand out. We arranged for a computer to be set up with an internet connection and one of the graduate students walked people through the Mt. Erebus Volcano Observatory website to look at MPEGs of eruptions and seismograms.
How are you sharing your research experience with your colleagues, district, community, etc?
I have given slideshows for the faculty, the students, and the parents at St. John's School. I asked the Houston Museum of Natural Science about giving a public lecture sometime this year. I am also scheduled to do a teacher workshop at the New Mexico Museum of Natural Science on March 12, 2005. Susy Ellison and I are to co-host a full day workshop for area teachers.
TEA Collaborative Learning Group
Rosie Beniretto
Contact Hours:
30 * separate hours for each collaborator
Contact Hours:
20 *separate hours for each collaborator
Contact Hours:
5 *separate hours for each collaborator
Presentations and Real Audio Sessions
Presentation Date, Title, Number of Attendees, Etc.
January 2003, 8th Grade Earth Science Classes at St. John's School, 80 students
Have you presented to your local board of education this year?
Has this activity been submitted to the TEA Web Site?
Has this activity been submitted to the TEA Web Site?
Has this activity been submitted to the TEA Web Site?
Other Classroom Connections:
I bring Antarctica into the classroom in many units during the school year. I do a slideshow presentation on Mt. Erebus and show a BBC video filmed on Erebus ("Expedition to Erebus")during the volcano unit. The students create their own videos about an historical volcanic or seismic event and then show them in class as a group project. I wrap up the unit with my Erebus presentation and video. I also have them work on at topographic map of Erebus during the mapping unit, as well as cover Antarctica in general during the glacial unit in the spring semester. Finally, the students are assigned individual projects where they create a PowerPoint presentation researching a famous explorer and the role that Earth Science played in the expedition. As an example, I cover Shackleton's Endurance expedition , using both documentary videos and my own photos of explorers' huts.
Have you submitted all press-related materials concerning your TEA experience to the TEA Archives?
Have you submitted 20 digital images to the TEA Archive with electronic captions?
Have you submitted 6-8 photos to the TEA Archive?
Number of Release Days Covered by School/District for TEA Program/Activities:
March 2003
Reasons for Release:
Presentation in New Mexico
Approximate Daily Rate of Substitute and Number of Substitute Days:
I had other teachers cover my class, so I did not get a sub
TEA Meetings Covered by School/District/Corporation
Names of Meetings:
Permanent Materials and Equipment Provided by Institution/Corporation/District for the TEA Program
Type of Equipment:
Type of Grant / Grant Title:
Other Shared Costs
I plan to continue my collaboration efforts with the teachers at St. Johns.
I am also scheduled to co-host a workshop in New Mexico with Susy Ellison.
I would like to do more presentations within the Houston area (museum, library, etc.)