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Annual Report for Elissa Elliott
Were you in the field this season?
Dates in the Field:
21 October to 22 November
Did you maintain a daily (or as often as possible) electronic journal while in the field?
Continued Collaboration with Reasearch Team Members
Mayo High School in Rochester, Minnesota
Type of Interaction:
My PI, Dr. Chris Fritsen came to visit my classroom and spent 2 days with my classes, answering questions and telling of his other experiences in Antarctica.
How are you sharing your research experience with students? I have done numerous Antarctica presentations-- to my school, to the community, to teachers (as an inservice). I received a grant for $2300 from the Toshiba America Foundation to have my students implement and design an Antarctica learning trunk (with 10 hands-on activities, books, videos, posters, and other resources) for elementary and middle school kids. The trunk began circulation this last fall. My ninth grade Biology Honors classes and my Advanced Placement Biology classes were inundated with my experiences, even examining real ice cores from Antarctica (upon my return). From January 24-28, 2000, I will be traveling to a magnet school in Oklahoma where the entire week will be spent studying Antarctica. The school is made up of 1st through 6th graders, and they receive new students each day from the district (about 150 kids per day). I have planned a group slide presentation and then separate activities for 1st/2nd, 3rd/4th, 5th/6th graders (penguins, fossil activity, and Kim Geisting's cake coring activity). The school already has the trunk mentioned above and is GETTING READY! I have kept in contact with my mentees by e-mail. They are also planning on using the resources in the trunk (we packed it with great materials that can be used at VARIOUS levels).
Mentoring/Collaborative Mentoring Team
Presentations and Real Audio Sessions
How Many Penguins Does It Take?
Disappearing Rocks
Have these activities been submitted to the Web for posting?
TEA Meetings Covered by School/District
Equipment Provided by Institution/Corporation/District
Purpose of Grant:
To have my students implement and design anAntarctica learning trunk (with 10 hands-on activities, books, videos,posters, and other resources) for elementary and middle school kids.
Granting Institution/Corporation/District:
Toshiba America Foundation
Grant Total: