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Annual Report for Elissa Elliott
January 15, 2001 - January 15, 2002

Teacher Info Page | Annual Login Page

1. Interaction

Field Experience

Continued Collaboration with Research Team Members

Type of Interaction / Outcomes / Dates / Locations / Parcticipants: E-mail to "catch-up." Dr. Chris Fritsen sent me a CD of our work.

My research work did not complete the research. It was only one of the many steps involved. He said he would continue to keep me updated as to what goes on.

Has a member of your research team visited your classroom in the last year?

2. Community / Colleague Outreach


How are you sharing your research experience with your colleagues, district, community, etc? This past year was consumed with ordering items for the Learning Trunks, organizing the materials, and advertising them to a teacher audience. I compiled applicable web sites, various lesson plan ideas, and packaged up each of the four trunks to send to 4 teachers who are responsible for lending them (the trunks) out. In December, I wrote the grant final report and sent to the Toshiba Foundation office. From what I hear from the teachers who have used the trunks, they have found them useful and packed full of information. The only complaint has been how extremely heavy the trunks are. :) I believe many students have benefited from my efforts, even more than I could reach on my own.

TEA Collaborative Learning Group

Name: Richard Meyer

Active? Yes

Contact Hours: N/A: done with mentoring; not in the classroom at the time

Laura Espeset

Active? Yes

Contact Hours: N/A; done with mentoring; not in classroom at the time

Have you submitted your TEA Collaborative Learning Group Annual Report?

Associates Network

Number of Associates in local network: N/A

Presentations and Real Audio Sessions

Have you presented to your local board of education this year? Yes

3. Classroom Transfer

Activities Development

Title: How Many Penguins Can the Antarctic Seacoast Support?

Hands-on activity, simulating the process of population fluctuation; they learn the terms

Title: Disappearing Rocks

This lesson looks at erosion--how it affects different materials and why it's important, using Antarctic ventifacts as examples

4. Other TEA Activity Involvement

ECW gear monitoring for my area

NSTA activities at St. Louis Conference in March 2001 (booth hosting, teaching a workshop session, talking about the Learning Trunks in several sessions, assisting other TEA speakers, helping Arlyn set up the booth the first day)

A reviewer for the TEA applications submitted in May 2001

Have you submitted all press-related materials concerning your TEA experience to the TEA Archives? Yes

Have you submitted 20 digital images to the TEA Archive with electronic captions? N/A

Have you submitted 6-8 photos to the TEA Archive? Yes

5. Cost Share

Release Days

Number of Release Days Covered by School/District for TEA Program/Activities: N/A this year

TEA Meetings Covered by School/District/Corporation

Names of Meetings: N/A this year

Permanent Materials and Equipment Provided by Institution/Corporation/District for the TEA Program

Type of Equipment: N/A this year

Other Grants

Type of Grant / Grant Title: Toshiba America Foundation

Purpose of Grant: To provide learning trunks with numerous materials to teachers and students who want to learn about the polar regions (2 Arctic trunks and 2 Antarctica trunks)

Granting Institution/Corporation/District: Toshiba America Foundation K-12 Grants

Date of Application: 8/00

Date of Notification: 11/00

Grant Total: $6790

Other Shared Costs

6. Anticipated TEA Involvement (01/2002 to 01/2003)

ECW Gear Monitoring

Since I cannot make the San Diego NSTA meeting, I've told Arlyn to please let me know how I can help (mailings, reading applications again, etc.)

Student presentations