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Annual Report for Robin Ellwood Teacher Info Page | Annual Login Page
Were you in the field this season?
Dates in the Field:
Approximate Number of Student E-mails:
Approximate Number of Teacher E-mails:
Apporximate Number of Other E-mails:
Approximate Countries Represented:
Additional Comments:
For my 2004 field experience (11/1-12/15/04), my team designed a new interdisciplinary unit where the studenst will create a polar magazine. Each student will submit one page (front and back) to the magazine. Each page must include choices from a variety of polar related activities: stories/technical writing/editorials/graphs/pictures/experiments/ etc. We have provided 4 "essential questions" to the students that focus on Polar topics. The students choose one of the questions for their focus, and must fullful numerous requirements/tasks for their magazine page. We are putting on the "finishing touches" to the project. When it is in final draft form, I could submit the project to the TEA web page. My "team" of teachers has had extensive collaboration on both this years project and last years project.
Did you maintain a daily (or as often as possible) electronic journal while in the field?
Continued Collaboration with Research Team Members
Type of Interaction / Outcomes / Dates / Locations / Parcticipants:
Peter Doran visited on February 6th.
How are you sharing your research experience with your colleagues, district, community, etc?
During 2004 (post field experience) I presented to:
- Second grade classes at Rye elementary school (48 students/ 6 teachers)
- Second and Sixth grade classes at Greenland Central School (52 students/8 teachers)
- Eighth grade classes at Rye Junior High- 4 presentations ... 20 students/2 teachers at each
- Sixth grade classes at Rye Junior High - 4 presentations... 23 students/2 teachers at each
- Seventh grade classes at Rye Junior High. 72 students, 9 teachers
- Grade 12 students at Concord High School - 2 presetations... 60 students/3 teachers at each
TEA Collaborative Learning Group
Sheila Adams; Molly Rothermel, Kerry Ridolfi, Ron Fortier
Contact Hours:
122; 104,104,104 (Molly, Kerry, and Ron will all have well over 120 hours by mid January 2005)
Number of Associates in local network:
Several team members may be joining
Type of Interaction / Outcomes / Dates / Locations / Parcticipants:
Miriam Sutton and I have maintained communication and may work together on presentations/projects in the future.
Presentations and Real Audio Sessions
Presentation Date, Title, Number of Attendees, Etc.
During 2004 (post field experience) I presented to:
- Second grade classes at Rye elementary school (48 students/ 6 teachers)
- Second and Sixth grade classes at Greenland Central School (52 students/8 teachers)
- Eighth grade classes at Rye Junior High- 4 presentations ... 20 students/2 teachers at each
- Sixth grade classes at Rye Junior High - 4 presentations... 23 students/2 teachers at each
- Seventh grade classes at Rye Junior High. 72 students, 9 teachers
- Grade 12 students at Concord High School - 2 presetations... 60 students/3 teachers at each
Have you presented to your local board of education this year?
Polar Sculptures and Scientific info cards
Has this activity been submitted to the TEA Web Site?
Polar Magazine by students
Has this activity been submitted to the TEA Web Site?
Pond Profile
Has this activity been submitted to the TEA Web Site?
Other Classroom Connections:
Extreme cold weather gear is used to demonstrate and discuss proper protection for extreme environments. Probes are placed within the clothing to monitor temperature at various layers under various conditions. Students wear the gear during the experiments.
New equipment obtained because of the TEA experience (such as probes, water sampling/collecting bottles, depth finders, etc.) are used to offer hands on experience with the information being studied.
Polar Magazine created
I hosted the booth at the Philadephia NSTA convention and attended the TEA presentations. I also helped set up and take down the TEA booth at the convention.
Have you submitted all press-related materials concerning your TEA experience to the TEA Archives?
Have you submitted 20 digital images to the TEA Archive with electronic captions?
Have you submitted 6-8 photos to the TEA Archive?
Number of Release Days Covered by School/District for TEA Program/Activities:
Reasons for Release:
2004 Field season, presentations, development of iMovie about the field experience. Second field season opportunity.
Approximate Daily Rate of Substitute and Number of Substitute Days:
$70 - 40 substitute sdays
TEA Meetings Covered by School/District/Corporation
Names of Meetings:
presentations to schools/field season
2004- Fall
Approximate Cost of Travel Expenses Covered:
Permanent Materials and Equipment Provided by Institution/Corporation/District for the TEA Program
Type of Equipment:
Several books have been pruchased to support the interdisciplinary unit. Money was also granted to have several photos from the field experience enlarged and framed for school display. The school budget process also supported the acquisition of multiple PACO and HOBO probes so that the students could mimic Dry Valley experiments in Rye.
Date of Purchase:
September, 2003 books/ January 2004 pictures
Approximate Cost of Equipment:
$200- books, $250 pictures, $1500 probes
Type of Grant / Grant Title:
Purpose of Grant:
To purchase books/videos/cd's/probes/ water sampling bottle/ depth finder/ ECW gear to support mimicking the research being done in the Dry Valleys at a local pond in Rye, NH
Title of Grant Competition:
Ice Chests, and TIP (Technology in Practice)
Granting Institution/Corporation/District:
Rye Education Foundation
Date of Application:
April 2003; April 2004
Date of Notification:
May 2003; May 2004
Grant Total:
$3800 awarded
Other Shared Costs
I hope to be involved in as many TEA activities as possible. I would really like to host a regional workshop for TEA.
I hope to attend NSTA - perhaps do presentations for TEA/ work the booth/ etc.
I hope to work with new (?) TEA's and support TEA's/Associates/ and others interested in inquiry based and polar science. My team's interdisciplinary unit (Polar Magazine) will run in January 2005. I am hosting a regional workshop in May, 2005. I will continue presenting all my field experiences and designing lessons that continue to bring polar research and the process of science to my students.