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Annual Report for Sharon S. Harris

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1. Interaction

Field Experience

Continued Collaboration with Reasearch Team Members

Date: entire year

Location: N/A

Type of Interaction: periodic email contact of both a personal and professional nature.
Discussions of data analysis in the lab, how recent field season was similar and different from my experience

November 2001
Mother of Mercy High School
P.I. visit to my school
Dr. Bess Ward visited for two days, speaking to all four of my classes (they are 135 minutes in length and she handled it beautifully), as well as to our Advanced Placement Biology class and a Women’s Study class. Dr. Ward was able to engage my students, asking them questions relating specifically to the use of the scientific method and how she, as the PI, continually had to determine whether to accept or reject her hypotheses. She also discussed with the students that it is not unusual for scientists to get unexpected and/or unwanted results. Dr. Ward left the door open to them, hinting at further field seasons. My students were in awe and continue to ask questions about my experience and about Dr. Ward. Dr. Ward also presented me with the Antarctica Service Medal (an incredible surprise; I had no idea)

Has a member of your research team visited your classroom? (usually first year)

2. Community / Colleague Outreach

Classroom Transfer

How are you sharing your research experience with students? 1. Highly visible Antarctic display in the science wing of our school. 2. Continued interaction with local elementary schools through presentations. 3. Community service presentations to the Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Gardens, the Sierra Club, and several branches of the Hamilton County Library (I am their ‘resident’ speaker when people call with requests for such!) 4. Collaboration with the Museum Center (Cincinnati Historical Museum and the Museum of Natural History) in planning and preparation for the “Frozen Weekend” scheduled to coincide with the opening of the Endurance exhibit and the Jason Project. I will be giving a series of presentations about my research experience in Antarctica and will parcticipate in hands-on projects for both adults and children who visit the exhibit. We will also include a live from the field broadcast of the Jason Project’s current program “Frozen Worlds”.




January 2001        

St. John the Baptist, Harrison, OH 

56 children   4 adults 

January 2001

West Fork Library

8 children  30 adults

February 2001

Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden

49 adults

February 2001

Sierra Club, Cincinnati, OH

63 adults

June 2001

Wyoming Lybrary

3 children  12 adults

June 2001

Mariemont Library

10 children    16 adults

November 2001

Sts. Peter and Paul, Cincinnati, OH

32 children    1 adult

Mentoring/Collaborative Mentoring Team

Name: Carolyn Rost

Active? Yes

Contact Hours: 37

Jan French

Active? Yes

Contact Hours: 35

Have you submitted an on-line mentoring report?

Associates Network

Date: on-going

Location: Mother of Mercy High School

Type of Interaction: Periodic planning meetings with Carolyn Rost

Presentations and Real Audio Sessions

Have you presented to your local poard of education? (first year) Yes

3. Classroom Transfer

Activities Development

Title: Some Like It Hot, Some Like It Cold: Microbial Life in Hot Springs and Antarctic Lakes

Students explore the temperature tolerances of various bacterial samples in an effort to understand the wide range of habitats capable of exploitation by these organisms.

Title: A Breath of Fresh Air! Oxygen Tolerance In Bacteria

Students demonstrate the growth differences of obligate aerobic, aerobic, facultative anaerobic and obligate anaerobic bacteria in solid media.

Title: Untitled (work-in-progress)

Students learn to generate depth profiles using CBL monitors to measure pH, temperature, and salinity of a local lake and compare their profiles to those prepared for Lake Bonney in Antarctica.

Have these activities been submitted to the Web for posting? Yes

4. Other TEA Activity Involvment

TEA Advisory Board member
ECW Gear monitoring for Eastern U.S.
Parcticipated in the TEA orientation in August 2001
Partnership with the Cincinnati Museum Center in planning and executing the “Frozen Weekend”
Planned and executed the TEA short course at the NSTA meeting in March 2001; helped wherever I was needed.

Have you submitted all press-related materials concerning your TEA experience to the TEA Archives? Yes

Have you submitted 20 slides to the TEA Archive? (first year) Yes

Have you submitted 6-8 photos to the TEA Arichive? (first year) Yes

5. Cost Share

Release Days

Number of Release Days Covered by School/District for TEA Program: 5

Dates: September 21; March 21 - 23

Reasons for Release: Advisory Board Meeting; NSTA meeting

Approximate Daily Rate of Substitute: $70.00/day

TEA Meetings Covered by School/District

Equipment Provided by Institution/Corporation/District

Type of Equipment: Slide projector/slide carrousels/LCD projector

Date of Purchase: N/A

Approximate Cost of Equipment: $2500.00

Other Grants

Other Shared Costs

6. Anticipated TEA Involvement (01/2003 to 01/2004)

TEA Advisory Board; NSTA; ECW gear curator;

Completer 3rd activity for posting

Attendance at the TEA orientation in August (?)