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Annual Report for Todd Hindman
January 15, 2002 - January 15, 2003

Teacher Info Page | Annual Login Page

1. Interaction

Field Experience

Continued Collaboration with Research Team Members

Type of Interaction / Outcomes / Dates / Locations / Parcticipants: Dr. Lisa Clough helped arrange student tours of the Polar Star. We also planned for a sea ice project for the Spring of 2002. Dr. Lisa Clough and I have continued to keep in contact through e-mail messages.
Plans for implementation of sea ice study as part of a grant I received from the Alaska Science and Technology Foundation.

December 2001
Fairbanks / Electronic
Dr. Martin Jeffries, another TEA Principal Investigator and I have talked about my school parcticipating in a lake ice study in the future. I parcticipated in a training session with him, as part of the GLOBE program.
No outcomes at this time.

Has a member of your research team visited your classroom in the last year?

2. Community / Colleague Outreach


How are you sharing your research experience with your colleagues, district, community, etc? We are currently involved in a year long study the Arctic and Antarctica.

In the fall, students worked with the high school fisheries class. They caught salmon and observed collection of eggs from female salmon and the milking of sperm from male salmon to fertilize the eggs. The fertilized eggs are now incubating.

The students will be conducting a sea ice study in the coming month, in collaboration with Dr. Lisa Clough. This is to fulfill the requirements of a $5,000 Alaska Science and Technolgy Foundation grant I receive in the Spring of 2001.

TEA Collaborative Learning Group

Name: Nancy Bahnke

Active? Yes

Contact Hours: 24

Lisa Leeper

Active? Yes

Contact Hours: 13

Diana Adams

Active? Yes

Contact Hours: 13

Have you submitted your TEA Collaborative Learning Group Annual Report?

Associates Network

Presentations and Real Audio Sessions

Have you presented to your local board of education this year? Yes

3. Classroom Transfer

Activities Development

Title: Sea Ice & Water Study

Students will be studying the characteristics of sea ice and sea water.

Has this activity been submitted to the TEA Web Site? No

Title: Norton Sound Guidebook

Students will be developing a guidebook for Norton Sound.

Has this activity been submitted to the TEA Web Site? No

Title: Salmon Fisheries

Students are working with the high school fisheries class to restock area rivers with salmon.

Has this activity been submitted to the TEA Web Site? No

4. Other TEA Activity Involvement

Native Educator's Conference, February 4-6, 2001

NSTA Conference in St. Louis, Missouri, March 22-25, 2001. I helped host the TEA booth and parcticipated in a presentation with other USCGC Healy parcticipants.

TEA Kathy Stevens spoke to the class about her field experience in April of 2001.

Have you submitted all press-related materials concerning your TEA experience to the TEA Archives? Yes

Have you submitted 20 digital images to the TEA Archive with electronic captions? Yes

Have you submitted 6-8 photos to the TEA Archive? Yes

5. Cost Share

Release Days

Number of Release Days Covered by School/District for TEA Program/Activities: 6

Dates: February 2001 / March 2001

Reasons for Release: TEA Presentations

Approximate Daily Rate of Substitute and Number of Substitute Days: $100

TEA Meetings Covered by School/District/Corporation

Permanent Materials and Equipment Provided by Institution/Corporation/District for the TEA Program

Other Grants

Type of Grant / Grant Title: Science grant

Purpose of Grant: Sea Ice Study

Title of Grant Competition: Alaska Science & Technology Foundation Grant

Granting Institution/Corporation/District: Alaska Science & Technology Foundation Grant

Date of Application: December 2000

Date of Notification: Februrary 2001

Grant Total: $5,000

Other Shared Costs

6. Anticipated TEA Involvement (01/2003 to 01/2004)

Presentor at the Native Educator's Conference. Anchorage, Alaska February 3-5, 2002

TEA Dena Gershon will be coming to Nome in March and I am hoping she can speak to my students.