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Annual Report for Richard Jones Teacher Info Page | Annual Login Page
Continued Collaboration with Research Team Members
Type of Interaction / Outcomes / Dates / Locations / Parcticipants:
Listed as co-author of paper presented to Polar Regions Conference of AMS Oct to Dec 2001 Oct to Dec 2001
How are you sharing your research experience with your colleagues, district, community, etc?
Besides presenting my slides and web site with my students and the students of other teachers in my science department, I have been using the data collected while on the ice to give real data to my students and to one of the math teachers students. We are also fortunate this year to have a Jason "Argonaut" attending our 9th grade and this has given my web site much more use by the 9th grade earth science teachers. Again, TEA has provide easier access to scientists than Jason often does.
TEA Collaborative Learning Group
Twila Michel
Contact Hours:
about 60 hours
Contact Hours:
35 hours over the past year
Contact Hours:
Only e-mail contact so far
Number of Associates in local network:
Type of Interaction / Outcomes / Dates / Locations / Parcticipants: Presented to elementary students from the kindergarten since they were new to the school. Showed slides and answered questions about "Waddelsworth's Adventure at the South Pole". After meeting with three classes, I met with Twila Michel to discuss development of her sixth grade curriculum. She an I have met weekly during the school year since my return from the Pole in Jan of 2001. November 19, 2001
Presentations and Real Audio Sessions
Have you presented to your local board of education this year?
Just Bead It
The Story of Waddelsworth Penguin
Description: ECW Gear Monitoring for Northwest. Booth Duty at NSTA in St.Louis, Two presentations to teachers at NSTA Booth Duty at NSTA in St.Louis, Two presentations to teachers at NSTA Presentations to schools and civic groups in Billings and the surrounding area
Have you submitted all press-related materials concerning your TEA experience to the TEA Archives?
Have you submitted 20 digital images to the TEA Archive with electronic captions?
Have you submitted 6-8 photos to the TEA Archive?
Number of Release Days Covered by School/District for TEA Program/Activities:
March 2001
Reasons for Release:
NSTA Presentations
Approximate Daily Rate of Substitute and Number of Substitute Days:
TEA Meetings Covered by School/District/Corporation
Names of Meetings:
NSTA Conference
March 2001
Approximate Cost of Travel Expenses Covered:
Permanent Materials and Equipment Provided by Institution/Corporation/District for the TEA Program
Type of Equipment:
IBM Computer
Date of Purchase:
Approximate Cost of Equipment:
Other Shared Costs
Booth Worker at San Diego NSTA 2002
Have my students follow new crop of TEA's
Continue to make presentations to groups and students. And continue to work with my surviving TEA Associates