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Annual Report for Dena Rosenberger Teacher Info Page | Annual Login Page
Were you in the field this season?
Continued Collaboration with Research Team Members
Type of Interaction / Outcomes / Dates / Locations / Parcticipants:
I have published a journal arcticle as second author! It is entitled "Intensive sea-surface microlayer investigations of open leads in the pack ice during Arctic Ocean 2001 expedition." The authors are: Johan Knulst, Dena Rosenberger, Brian Thompson, and Jussi Paatero. The journal is an ACS publication on colloids, surfaces, and interfaces called Langmuir. The citation is: Langmuir, Vol. 19, No. 24, 2003. I am in one of the photographs and NSF Teachers Experiencing Antarctica and the Arctic is acknowledged as providing funding. The manuscript can be viewed online by searching on "Langmuir."
How are you sharing your research experience with your colleagues, district, community, etc?
Community Presentations: April 15, 2003 Kiwanis Club La Mesa
TEA Collaborative Learning Group
Colleen Robinson
Contact Hours:
107 this year
Contact Hours:
56.5 this year
Contact Hours:
34 this year
Number of Associates in local network:
Type of Interaction / Outcomes / Dates / Locations / Parcticipants:
-Weekly meetings at Associates' school site
-Travel to the California Science Teachers Association conference together (9-12 October, Long Beach, CA). The main outcome, besides attending and discussing various workshops, was that we decided to put in a TEA Regional Workshop proposal. The second most incredible thing that happened was getting to hear Jane Goodall speak and joining her Roots n' Shoots program.
-Travel to TEA workshop in New York in July with one Associate. Outcomes: reworked our understanding of inquiry and come away with new versions of old labs based on the inquiry model.
Presentations and Real Audio Sessions
Presentation Date, Title, Number of Attendees, Etc.
April 16 - Arctic Presentations in two of my Associates' classrooms to approximately 35 students in four periods for a total of 140 students at an inner city school.
Have you presented to your local board of education this year?
Water Layering and Density
Has this activity been submitted to the TEA Web Site?
Ice Storms Cometh?
Has this activity been submitted to the TEA Web Site?
Has this activity been submitted to the TEA Web Site?
Other Classroom Connections:
May 2 - Arctic Presentations to my own students in five periods for a total of approximately 190 students.
March 27-30: NSTA Worked in TEA booth and Swat team
Summer 2003: Mentoring arcticle for summer online TEA newsletter submitted and used
October 2003: With two Associates, began to put together TEA Regional Workshop Proposal to be submitted by 1/24/2004
Have you submitted all press-related materials concerning your TEA experience to the TEA Archives?
Have you submitted 20 digital images to the TEA Archive with electronic captions?
Have you submitted 6-8 photos to the TEA Archive?
Number of Release Days Covered by School/District for TEA Program/Activities:
March 27-28; Oct 9-10
Reasons for Release:
NSTA Philadelphia; CSTA Long Beach
Approximate Daily Rate of Substitute and Number of Substitute Days:
4 x $110
TEA Meetings Covered by School/District/Corporation
Permanent Materials and Equipment Provided by Institution/Corporation/District for the TEA Program
Continued meetings with Associates
Continued presentations at conferences and working in booth
Continued Arctic Presentations in school and community settings