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Annual Report for Andre Wille

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1. Interaction

Field Experience

Were you in the field this season? Yes

Dates in the Field: Dec 27, 1999- Feb 2, 2000

Number of Student E-mails: 45

Number of Teacher E-mails: 29

Number of Other E-mails: 580

Countries Represented: USA, New Zealand

Additional Comments: I conversed with a number of pre service teachers enrolled in a science methods course regarding ways I utilized the TEA experience in the classroom.

Did you maintain a daily (or as often as possible) electronic journal while in the field? Yes

Is your journal complete? Yes

Continued Collaboration with Reasearch Team Members

Date: summer, fall and winter of 2000

Type of Interaction: e mail, postal service mail

I sent my PI a copy of the activity I developed during the summer activities workshop. He answerred a few questions I had, and sent a copy of a great kids book that an artist in residence wrote and illustrated during an earlier field season. I will be able to use the book during some of my presentations.

Has a member of your research team visited your classroom? (usually first year)

2. Community / Colleague Outreach

Classroom Transfer

How are you sharing your research experience with students? In my own classroom I have used my slide shows in each of my classes the past two school years. I ahve used a variety of lesson plans and activities in the classses I teach, depending on the content area. In all of my classes I have tried to relate content material to current antarctic research projects which I am familiar with. This has involved short anecdotes from my experience, explanation of links between what we are doing in class and what is happpening at the poles, as well as specific lessons related to polar research. In my Physical Science classes for grade 10, students have done an internet research project related to an antarctic topic of their choice. Studnets then compiled a fact sheet of brochure on the topic and presented it to the class. We have also done a lab related to ocean salinity and freezing point depression. In biology classses, we have looked closely at the food web of the antarctic waters and used the slide show to see the actual animals and their roles in the local ecology. We have also spent a great deal of time sampling local environments for tardigrades. These tiny organisms are one of the the few terrestrial animals found in the Antsaarctic. They exhibit the interesting property of anhydrobiosis, which ahas been a usefull topic of discussion in class. I have developed an activity related to my field experience which involves plotting radio telemetry data on a sattellite image of McMurdo sound.. I am fine tuning this an plan to use it in my biology classes this winter.. It is posted on the activity web site. I have given it to other teachers to use. In chemistry we have researched and discussed the atmospheric chemistry of the ozone hole. I have put together a computer presentation on the topic to I have developed an activity related to my field experience which involves plotting radio telemetry data on a sattellite image of McMurdo sound.. I am fine tuning this an plan to use it in my biology classes this winter.. It is posted on the activity web site. I have given it to other teachers to use. In chemistry we have researched and discussed the atmospheric chemistry of the ozone hole. I have put together a computer presentation on the topic toaid my presentatons. One of my chemistry students wrote her research paper on water quality testing using comparisons of data taken form the LTER in the McMurdo dry valleys. She compared her data with that of the LTER for the following parameters: pH, alkalinity, Temp. hardness, DO . This was a great way to involve students in the research being done at the poles while involving them in their own actual research.

Mentoring/Collaborative Mentoring Team

Name: Diana Kruiz

Active? Yes

Contact Hours: 23

Mark Duff

Active? Yes

Contact Hours: 66

Matt Brunner

Active? No

Contact Hours: 81.5

Have you submitted an on-line mentoring report?

Associates Network

Number of Associates in local network: 2

Date: several conversations and meeting Fall 2000

Location: Basalt Co.

Type of Interaction: Phone conversations, meetings and sharing of lesson plans and videos. I plan to present to his classroom if possible.

Collaboration and consultation to write and produce a kids radio show on the Antarctic called "Tracker and Snoop Adventures in Antarctica".
Radio show has aired several times on local public radio. Copeis of the program have been distributed to 10-15 teachers. The cassette is availible to any TEAs that request it through the activities web page.

Presentations and Real Audio Sessions

Have you presented to your local poard of education? (first year) N/A

3. Classroom Transfer

Activities Development

Title: Penguin Prefenences

This activity uses simulated radio telemetry data plotted on a sattellite image of McMurdo Sound. Students track feeding penguins to describe their behavior in terms of ice cover.

Title: Internet scavenger hunt.

A series of questions and some web sites to explore. Used as a substitute lesson plan.

Title: Monitoring Ultraviolet Radiation with photo sensative paper.

This is a lab activity appropriate for middle school or high school students as an intro to UV Radiation and ozone depletion (Not on web site yet).

Have these activities been submitted to the Web for posting? Yes

4. Other TEA Activity Involvment

NSTA Orlando Apr. 2000- Booth Hosting

Nov. 2000 Southwest region ECW Gear Monitoring

Oct. 2000 colorado Science Convention TEA presentation

Nov. 2000 Southwest region ECW Gear Monitoring

Oct. 2000 colorado Science Convention TEA presentation

Have you submitted all press-related materials concerning your TEA experience to the TEA Archives? Yes

Have you submitted 20 slides to the TEA Archive? (first year) Yes

Have you submitted 6-8 photos to the TEA Arichive? (first year) Yes

5. Cost Share

Release Days

Dates: 3/20/00, 4/10/00 1/2 day

Reasons for Release: Basalt MS and Elementatry Presentation

Approximate Daily Rate of Substitute: $100

TEA Meetings Covered by School/District

Names of Meetings: colorado Science Convention

Dates: 10/21/00

Approximate Cost of Travel Expenses: $120

Equipment Provided by Institution/Corporation/District

Type of Equipment: iMAC special edition Computer to facilitate electronic communication while in the field.

Date of Purchase: Nov. 1999

Approximate Cost of Equipment: $2000 W/ CU see me software and camera

Other Grants

Type of Grant / Grant Title: Antarctica Trunk

Purpose of Grant: To fund release time for presentations out of district and to purchase classroom set of

Granting Institution/Corporation/District: Aspen Thrift Shop

Date of Application: 1/8/01

Date of Notification: 1/19/2001

Grant Total: $2000

Other Shared Costs

Basalt High School 20 copies of Shackelton's "Endurance" $250

6. Anticipated TEA Involvement (01/2001 to 01/2002)

Hope to continue presentations in local schools. I have several lined up for Jan- Mar.

I am mentoring a new person, this is going well.

Hope to sign up some TEA Associates. I have two that are very interested but havent done the application.