24 April, 1999
Well, we didn't catch the vent last night...the team worked through to
breakfast, then winched up the ZAPS sled and called it a day (or night!).
OFOS was being deployed as we went to breakfast. To some, a 7:30
breakfast might send shudders down the spine (not a teacher, though!), but
to us, breakfast is becoming a point of light in the long night - "2 hours
to breakfast!. . . 45 minutes to breakfast!" At the same time, breakfast
imposed a time barrier, a time when the day team would be coming on,
needing their time on the winches and to make their own navigational
requests, thus we also saw breakfast as a limit "I think we can squeeze two
more casts in before breakfast . . ."
During the down time, when the ZAPS sled is in the baltic room (kind of
like its hanger - it has a huge hydraulic door and extendable boom/winch to
lift the sled and hoist it out the door to lower it over the side), the
engineers use this time to process any samples that may have been taken and
ensure the sled is ready to go for the next run. They can also use this
time to evaluate the data stream and evaluate their algorithms for
converting the digital voltage signals into useful numbers on a computer
I went to bed at 10:30 AM and got back up at 2:30 PM - there was a slide
show by the European scientists to summarize the initial findings of their
photographic survey of the ridges. Their feelings were that it was pretty
inconclusive, with the most encouraging news being the discolorations that
might indicate hydrothermal precipitates.
After the slide show, I worked on the journal some and did some ping
editing before and after dinner. At 9 PM, the ZAPS sled was back in the
water, so I moved back to the dry lab to be near the action.
I took a break and decided to stand out on the deck space below the helo
pad (a landing pad for helicopters). While there I realized that for all
of the effort, sounds and motions, I feel like I'm on a spacecraft - the
engines are always running - a low background rumbling - you have to suit
up to go outdoors, you exit through what is essentially an airlock, and the
ship’s bow and aft thrusters are slaved to the GPS (global positioning
system) - they blast loudly, thrusting great jets of water to the port or
starboard in order to keep us within a 10th of a minute or so to a
coordinate punched into a computer. It really sounds like rockets kicking
in as the ship is thrust back and forth to its required position. We are
totally self-contained - - making our own water and electricity and
carrying our own food and fuel. Though the NBP is rated for 75-day
cruises, it seems like we could sit here on station for a year without need
of port, taking samples...
I'm going to introduce to you Dr. Cara Wilson today. I do so here because
since we've begun generating data with the ZAPS sled, she has been
endlessly crunching numbers and churning out meaningful graphs of the
various seawater properties being measured, which means she is one busy
person right now! Dr. Wilson rejoins the team from the InterRidge Office
at the Universite Pierre et Marie Curie in Paris, France (she has worked
previously with the team as a graduate student at OSU). InterRidge is an
international organization devoted to developing and coordinating
international research on ridge projects, parcticularly where international
cooperation is essential, like the Arctic or Indian ocean ridges, which are
difficult to study for logistical reasons. Dr. Wilson obtained her
Bachelor's in Oceanic Sciences from the University of Michigan and then
worked for Brookhaven National Laboratory in Long Island, NY before going
on to OSU for her doctoral work in Oceanography. She became interested in
marine science because of its inherent interdisciplinary nature and the
global perspective offered by oceanography.
We continued on through the night, searching at a set height from the
bottom, towing the ZAPS sled horizontally across a grid (as opposed to the
vertical sampling we did the previous night, measuring from the surface to
10 m off the bottom, a 1300 - 1400 m distance up and down).
I'll write more tomorrow, to tell you how it ended,
Weather report for today (4/24/99):
Q: How did you like the weather in Punta Arenas? Do you like the cold very
much? The cold in Minnesota is easy to get used to but the hard thing about
it is some times hard to get used to when it is at night and you are in bed
and then there is a sudden cold that comes over you and you are saying i
wish it was summer and then when summer comes around you say I wish it was
winter. Minnesota is a very nice place to live if you like the alternating
weather and all the cold then the warm. But the best thing about it is it
is very nice place to relax.
A: Linda:
I loved the weather at Punta Arenas. It's different and new, incredibly
interesting. I don't think I'd like the cold all the time, all year round,
but a little while is not bad, especially because when you go to Antarctica
on a US mission, you must pass through NSF (National Science Foundation)
who contracts an organization called ASA (Antarctica Support Associates)
who contracts a Chilean agent (AGUNSA) who equips us with extreme cold
weather gear (ECW). And wow, these clothes make it quite bearable. I've
sat out on the stern of the ship in sub-zero temperatures with 10-15 knot
wind blowing to write my journal and not had a problem...Yes, I love
alternating things, whether it be weather or dessert!

Dr. Cara Wilson on the bow of the RV/IB Nathaniel B. Palmer.
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