7 August, 1998
Leadership 7/20/98: Their main job is to help and monitor the groups so
they can stay on task. Maurice(the director), helped hardware with the
weather station and the different probes to put in the box;
Willin(assistant director), checked on groups and performed clerical work.
Anthony(recorder), help marketing by checking e-mails in the library; and
Sheree(human resources), helped out marketing with e-mailing and faxing
people for groups so they can have the right equipment for their
assignment. Alexander(student aide) assisted the leaders and the groups.
Also, they have given ideas from the head men (Shawn Beightol and Dennis
Wilson) of this project. Maurice Allen says, "Good Workers make Good
Marketing 7/21/98: Their main source is to help the other groups with their
e-mailing, phone calls, and faxing important people. Yeneer(the director),
was supervising over her group to make sure they were on task and help
other groups. Marie(assistant director), helped write and check e-mail for
the groups so she can help them get in contact with their equipment and
information from their sources. Rochelle(recorder), made phone calls to
schools, Mrs. Katz(from U.T.D.), and the Miami Herald so they can learn
about the weather station and different types of materials we uses for the
weather station. Sheteika(assistant recorder), acquired information on
Antarctica about the different climates, how people live there, and how
scientists do their research. Desmond(material manager), help hardware by
reading instructions to help build the weather station for the project.
Marie Cothias says, "Satisfaction guaranteed when it comes to supplying
what you need."
Web Pages 7/22/98: The main goal of this group is to develop Web pages to
publish our experience on the Internet. Qiana(director), Lylla(assistant
director), Darline(recorder), and addition members are Katrischa, Evan and
Knox. They have taken pictures for the web pages from the field trip we
have gone on and pictures from the classroom that show how we are
accomplishing our goals to finish the weather station. They will also
update, edit, and author the web page on Turner, Agriscience, and
Antarctica. Here are two members from the group to let you know what they
have experience: Qiana McKay says, "Team work determination is the only way
we are going to accomplish our goal." Darline Rapheal says, "Computers are
the next step for greater opportunities."
Web Cameras 7/23/98: Their main source is to obtain software and hardware
to broadcast video conferences. Carlton(the director),Corey(ass.
director),Jean(the recorder).They are taking pictures to do video
conferencing with other programs on the computer and other Dade county
public schools . Also, they set up the computer to run tests to make sure
the video conferencing will run perfect. They also worked with the web
pages and communication to get through with other programs and schools.
This students will like to
say something ,"You see me and I see you . Computer technology is our
Communication 7/27/98: Their main goal is to look for satellite links so we
can obtain data from Antarctica. Lylla (director), Carl (asst. director),
Javier (recorder) and other members, Javarus and Early. They established a
high speed net service to the course. Lylla E-mailed John L. Sokol and she
also wrote a press release. Javier emailed Pat Smith, who is a member of
the National Foundation. They answered the questions that David Michealson
sent to Mr. Beightol, in May. One brilliant student has something to say:
Javier Allen "When it comes to Communicating with the outside world, we are
the ones you should call".
Hardware Engineering 7/28/98: Their main purpose is to research and build
sensors to be placed in the weather station. Sandra (director), Karine
(recorder), and other members Roody, and Joseph. They're building a sensor
box which fits eight sensors and a data logger inside. The hardware group
started working on the designs of the box for the probes. They're also
deciding which probes will be going inside the box. Sandra Joseph said, "
If you go with what you like to do the best then it will be just right."
Software Engineering 7/29/98: Their main objective is to write a computer
programming language. Marlon (director), and members Monique, and Alexey.
The computer language will enable to collect the information that has been
brought from the sensors to the data logger into the computer. They
investigate Visual Basics and C++ programs. Marlon says," Being a software
engineer you learn not only to be a hard worker but a team player."
Materials 7/30/98: Their mission is to research the right materials to use
for the weather station. Christopher (director), James ( asst. director),
and Shaketa (recorder) and another member Brandon. They helped hardware
build the box for the sensors to be placed. Also, they designed the box and
called the people fro NOAA for the dimensions that the box should have. One
encouraged student had something to say, James Jordan said, " Team work
determines either you sink or swim. We want to swim to the shore and
accomplish goals for our lives."
Web Cameras 7/31/98: That day they finally finished processing and testing
the cameras. A job well done! Their motto is if you can do it, make it your
Web Pages 8/3/98: That day they were updating on Anarctica's web page. Also
took pictures to put on the web page. Their motto is, " We believe in you
if you belive in us."
Designing Engineering 8/4/98: Their main goal is to paint the perfect
picture to show the audience about the pupose of the weather station and
the flow of communication. Their motto is "The picture is the mind of the

A day for the researchers to learn about remote sensing at the USDA's Tropical Research Center. Here, the remote sensors are detecting temperature in and around tropical fruit in a freezer.
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