24 January, 1999
Sunday, January 24th, 1999, South Pole Station, Antarctica
What a beautiful morning we had. The temperature was still not lower
than -24 C and the wind was down to 9 knots. We had clear and sunny
skies all day long. It was 'shower and laundry day' for me again. The
Antarctic Support Association staff had their day off and the station
was very quiet -- as usually Sunday morning. I made it to my computer
class from 10 - 11am. It was very useful to learn about some new
systems and to get help organizing files on the major South Pole
network system. This will help me to send data faster. Joel went to
his yoga class and Dave worked in the office. I answered students'
questions--- thank you for them all; they are great! We all (Dave,
Joel and I) met for branch at 11:30 and afterwards we helped Joel in
the Greenhouse. Yes, you heard correctly, we have a greenhouse that
was build by volunteers 5 years ago. Joel is one of the volunteers. He
takes care of the midday monitoring (testing the pH, temperature, and
conductivity in the water system). Joel and his friends planted
greens, some herbs, and several types of salads. The green house is
located on top of one of the trailers' inside the dome. Each time Joel
harvests some lettuce, the galley plans for some nice sandwiches.
Walking into the greenhouse was truly a sight among this vast field of
snow and ice. What a difference in sensations!
During the afternoon, I worked on the data files to be mailed to
schools, edited more of the research outline, created delivery lists,
and mailed some of the data files one at a time in order not to loose
the data all at once incase of satellite problems. It took me longer
than I thought and it was a great diversion to clear out my head while
skiing for one hour before dinner.
More about Neutrinos:
Sunday night, 8p.m. science lecture was on the agenda. This time I
learned more about the AMANDA project that I introduced earlier. The
research is done in the Dark Sector and this talk was given by Steven
Barvick . Sue Bowman, the other teacher of the TEA program is also
part of the team. This project deals with neutrinos, which are
parcticles that can pass through all of us and even through the Earth.
The energy and the direction of these parcticles can be detected when
these parcticles hit muons. When many of these muons are activated, the
energy and the direction of the energy can be measured. The
fascinating thing is that the telescopes for detecting these parcticles
are over 200m deep in the ice, are round, and 'hang' on strings. The
Earth is used as a filter, so to speak, and we are 'looking' at
parcticles, which originated on the other hemisphere of the Earth. Why
do we learn about it? To understand where these neutrinos come from
can help us to understand the composition of the universe. Steve
suggested that the neutrinos might be even made on the edge of our
universe. See some of the photos I took after the lecture.
The ozone hole - why here over the Antarctic?
Dave was due leaving tomorrow for McMurdo, so we continued this
science session by talking about the chemistry of the ozone depletion.
The ozone hole appears here at the South Pole more pronounced than in
the Arctic because of the very stable water and air circulation around
the Antarctic continent and the transport of parcticles from the North
to the South. If you have a look at a globe you will see what I mean.
A lot of parcticles and pollutants from the North will be brought to
the Antarctic and circle around the continent. This circulation is
very stable and forms a vortex around the Antarctic continent during
the winter months. This vortex will not be broken up until the spring
when the sun rises in the Antarctic. Imagine that many parcticles and
pollutants have been circulating around this continent all Antarctic
winter long and are waiting to parcticipate in some sort of a
When the sun rises, the ozone ( 03, three oxygen molecules combined)
will absorb the UV light, as we know, and protect the Earth and also
this continent from the UV rays. However, ozone molecules are also
naturally broken down by the UV light into O2 and O and --- under
normal circumstances --- would naturally reform back to ozone (O3) as
well. Since pollutants have been circulating around and are ready to
react, they have a chance to do so with the single oxygen. This
reaction occupies one of the oxygen which -in return - is not
available anymore to recombine with O2 to form O3 = the ozone layer
is depleted.
I often received the question about the from of the ozone hole. If you
have completed the October ' 98 ozone data set I mailed out, you
probably have noticed yourself that the ozone hole forms in October.
The ozone profile also revealed that most of the depletion takes place
in the stratospheric layer of the atmosphere. Compare this data with
the October data set averaged from the years between 67/71. You will
noticed that the stratospheric ozone layer was not depleted yet and
that it contained the highest amount of ozone even in the month of
October. This is still the case here in the Antarctic after the month
of October. This means that the ozone hole is not a solid hole from
the bottom to the top of our Atmosphere.
We still have to discuss what pollutants are responsible for the ozone
depletion. I will answer that tomorrow and I will also discuss more of
the chemistry. I still need to find out why the depletion takes care
exactly in the stratosphere. I will also introduce some of the people
I am working with.
Time for bedtime. Talk to you tomorrow.

Joel and I in the greenhouse, inside the dome.

After the AMANDA lecture about neutrinos. In front of Steve the neutrino detector which will be submerged into the snow.
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