26 July, 1998
Sunday 7.26.98
Leave Seward for Fairbanks via Anchorage
It was a day of mixed emotions. We were up and ready as usual to
leave the house, but this time it was not to go to the SeaLife center to
tend to the river otters to which we had become attached. We each
verbalized our thoughts as we wondered what our favorite otter was doing,
and what we would miss observing that day. Instead, our bags were packed
and we were heading home. Our assignment in Seward had ended, but the
knowledge we gained from this research experience was the dawn of
enlightenment in many ways. It was certainly experiential education at its
best - the behavior of river otters and the drastic effects of the oil
spill on their habitat and the ecosystem, arctic ecology and geologic
history, arctic wildlife, human impact, research procedures, Merav's
instructional sessions, interacting with other scientists at the center,
visiting other places of interest, and the list continues. In addition, a
family was established for the month, and it became very difficult to sever
that bond. I would like to express my sincere thanks to Merav for providing
such an excellent opportunity for me to be involved in her research. She is
a very knowledgeable scientist, who made every moment interesting through
her explanations, explicit instructions, and demonstrations. What was also
admirable was her pleasant personality and the ease with which she dealt
with the most delicate situations. Her style was smooth. We were always
approached with the greatest professional standards by her and her
colleagues, making us feel respected and involved. These characteristics
set the perfect stage for our excellent experiences at the Seward SeaLife
Center. Being a 1998 TEA will always be one of the hallmarks of my life.
Merav took us to the Seward airport, where we said our goodbyes,
boarded a small aircraft and flew to Anchorage, changed planes and headed
to Fairbanks.
It was a lovely sunny day, and that certainly raised our spirits.
Everything around was pleasant and beautiful. We were met by Renee in
Fairbanks, and she already had our day planned. After dropping off our
belongings at the University of Alaska dorms, we were taken on a cruise
along the Chena river on board the Riverboat Discovery.
This was most enjoyable. We were joined by Tim Conner (TEA 98) and his student
Aaron. Both individuals were great company. There were several highlights
associated with this cruise - history of the area and the riverboat
Discovery, demonstration of a bush plane landing, a visit with Susan
Butcher and a demonstration ride of her Iditarod champions, visit an Indian
village to observe the traditional lifestyles of the past and present which
includes garments made from fur ceremonial and daily wear, log cabins and
tepees, wheel fishing, smoking and drying preservation methods of fish and
meat, and the display of a variety of animal hides . What was also
interesting was to observe was a demonstration of filleting a large (10-13
lb) fish in under four(4) minutes.
This cruise was a narrated one, and on that day our narrator and
guide was a retired Armed Forces Officer from Bethesda, Maryland, my
neighboring county and hoe state. Several native college-age Alaskans
served as host/hostesses and guides. They did an excellent job in sharing
information about their heritage, customs and traditions. They also modeled
fur coats designed and made by a famous Alaskan Indian named Dixie
Alexander who was on hand to answer more specific questions.
Along the way, an interesting phenomenon was observed. Where the
Chena and the Tanaka rivers met, the waters churned under a powerful water
current, yet the waters did not completely mix. It appeared like milk
poured in coffee and left unstirred. This phenomenon is locally known as
the ' marriage/wedding of the rivers'. By the way, the Tanana river is the
world's greatest glacier river.
The trip was excellent, the day was picture perfect, and yes we
took many pictures. Collectively, it was decided that we go to dinner at
the Historical Pump House Restaurant which is a restaurant that operates in
the original structure of the pump house of the gold rush years. It was
relatively busy, therefore service was a little slow. Nevertheless, we
entertained ourselves while we waited. Aaron was our comedian and riddle
master that evening, and he generated much laughter from our table. After
dinner we retired for the day, but not without first making plans for the
next day. After that was finalized, we worked on our journals and called it
a day/night/whatever! Great day Renee, thanks a million !!!!
Sunday, July 26, 1998
**Leaving Seward for two days in Fairbanks**
Today we woke up to a misty morningSyet, it wasn't as misty or rainy as
days previous. Merav picked us up at 8:00 a.m. and drove us to the Seward
airport. We said our goodbyesSMerav gave each of us big hugs. I will miss
her. I guess I liked her so much because the atmosphere presented to us was
no different from Gordon's lab. She gave us a lot of responsibilities (like
he does), and she would check up on us all the time to make sure everything
was O.K. (like he does). She also taught us about everything, and was a
wealth of information (like he is) about Alaska and her field of study. Her
hospitality and personability (?) were all to familiar. So, you can be sure
I felt at home and was happy!! : )
We got on the plane, which was smaller than the plane we had been on
before. I liked the fact that I could see the pilots flying because they
kept the doors open. We flew lower than before and I was just taken aback
by the beauty of "the interior". We saw Denali from the plane. It was
nearly as high as the plane's cruising altitude. It's snow-covered peaks
were so majestic and powerful!! When we arrived, we met up with Renee
again. She gave me a much-needed hug. We drove on to the University of
Alaska, Fairbanks campus, which is really spread out, and checked into our
dorm rooms. There we met Tim Conner and Aaron Stupple. They were doing an
archaeological dig in Deering. They are the funniest people I have ever
met! You can tell that upon first meeting they just clicked.
We had to be at a riverboat at 2:00 p.m. that is on the Chena river. It was
like the steamboat at Disneyland, and the ride was very Tom Sawyer-like. I
was very quiet most of the time because I was so awed by the scenery. We
were given a talk by Susan Butcher, who was the first woman to win numerous
Iditarod sled-dog races. We saw the kennels she raises the dogs in and log
cabin she lives in. All along the route we saw log cabins and deserted
gold-mining camps. We even saw a beaver home made out of spruce branches
and mud. We also came upon an Indian village, where we actually go off the
boat to walk around. The tour guides would give us short talks at different
stations. At the second talk, an old lady walked out from the bushes, and
we thought she was part of the show! So, when we found out she wasn't, we
were laughing hysterically! Tim got a picture of us on his digital camera.
We saw different animal furs, live caribou, mining camp log cabins,
smokehouses, outhouses, and an igloo. . .a Rubbermaid igloo!! With free
water : )
We left the village and headed back for the dock. Aaron found out there
were reindeer hot dogs on board and made us come with him to try them out.
It was probably a lot better than hot dog product and tasted a lot better!
After the boat ride was done we went to eat dinner at the Pumphouse
After dinner, we headed back to our dorms. Noa and I got Aaron to go on a
walk with us around campus. When we got back we looked at the digital
pictures Tim had taken. We went to bed about midnight. It was even lighter
outside than it was in Seward at the same time! Tomorrow is our last day in
Alaska altogether. Happy : ) or sad : ( ? I don't know.

From the Riverboat Discovery, we had a chance to see a native fish camp, complete with fish wheel, and to see a salmon cut for drying.

Susan Butcher (pink shirt) told stories as we idled near Trail Breaker Kennels. Notice the dog 'merry-go-round that they can use to exercise themselves.

At the mock Native village we saw a sled dog demonstration.

The Native Alaskan guides took us through several stops where we learned about native houses, crafts, and survival skills used throughout the centuries to survive in the north.

Renee, Myrtle, and Tim Conner on the Riverboat Discovery.
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