29 March, 2002
SWE's calculations!!!! Let's figure out the
actual snow water equivalence. How much water is
in those snow samples?????
SWE = {(density of snow)/(density of water)} X
(snow depth)
So first divide the density of snow into the
density of water. Get that answer and multiply
it by the snow depth. All we do is set up a
simple ratio of the density of snow compared to
the density of water and multiply it by the
depth. This will give us the snow water
Snow water equivalence allows us to actually see
how much water is in the snow. So if all of this
snow melted, how much of it would be water. In
other words, kick off the big, bunny boots for
the snow and kick on waders for sloshing through
water. That is what we are calculating.
This snow will actually melt and end up flowing
into the rivers and creeks? How much will go
into the rivers? How will it affect the
ecosystem of the Arctic?
Here are the snow depths again from the tundra
site in case you have forgotten…… So, calculate
SWE's.. If all of the snow that Mrs. Cheuvront
was walking around in melted, how much water
would there be?
Depth (cm)
1. 44
2. 28
3. 51
4. 40
5. 44
Longitude: 65.70495 degrees North
Latitude: 161.70492 degrees West
HIGH TEMP: -13 degrees Celsius
LOW TEMP: -30 degrees Celsius approx –22 degrees
The full bright moon brought a cold, crisp
morning, -22 degrees Fahrenheit, the coldest
morning of the trip thus far. Work started early
and briskly. After digging 4 snow pits each
approximately 60 cm, running 100 meter sprints in
snowshoes, my feet finally warmed up. Bunny
boots work amazingly well once the warm layer is
trapped inside the boot. The trick is getting
the inside of the boot warm when it stayed in a
cold tent the previous night. The blood finally
gushed into the toes and a painful but rejoice
warmth was felt. The feet stayed warm for the
remainder of the day regardless of how cold the
wind blew. We worked hard today, 3 complete
sites finished. We are moving into colder
country the farther north we travel. The tundra
site had very tough, hard, cold slabs of snow.
The wind has performed it's magic of making hard
crusts. Camp was set up late in an area called
Hunter's Creek.
April Cheuvront
7133 Rhododendron Drive
Newland, NC 28657
(828) 439-5737

The condensation from your breath turns into ice onto hair that surrounds the face, in my case that is my braids! The temperature was -22 degrees F! I was warmed up after doing many sprints and digging snow pits! ===== April Cheuvront 7133 Rhododendron Drive Newland, NC 28657 (828) 439-5737 ../tea_cheuvrontfrontpage.html aprilcheuv@yahoo.com

Frosty Braids!
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