15 April, 2002
Up close and personal with the snow layers.
A camera cannot capture the unique layers of snow.
So, a coding system is used to identify the layers.
Matthew records this coding system in the field book.
Below is a picture showing the different symbols used
to identify the snow layers. Study the picture. A
slash mark is used to identify fresh snow. Blobs of
circles together indicate a melt layer. A circle with
a slash mark through it indicates a hard slab, meaning
that wind has redistributed the snow. A sideward F
mark indicates the depth hoar.
Below is an example of a snow pit description. Make
up your own symbols to identify the layers. Make a
key so someone can interpret your layers. Draw a
picture describing how you think the snow appeared in
the snow pit.
Depth (cm) Snow description
47.5 fresh snow
46.0 new snow
28.0 hard slab of snow
25.0 ice layer
24.0 melted snow clusters
18.0 depth hoar (crystals of snow)
17.5 icy hard slab
13.0 depth hoar (crystals of snow)
0.0 large depth hoar crystals
Latitude: 68.87410 degrees North
Longitude: 155.73006 degrees West
Our departure from Ivotuk was crisp and cold. This
marked the beginning of our last stretch of the trip.
The route would be long, isolated, and desolate to
Barrow. We are deep in the Arctic. The cold has sunk
in around us and the snow has become deeper. The
mountains lay behind us. Our eyes are now lost between
the ending of the snow and the beginning of the
horizon. The complete whiteness makes it
hard to determine where one ends and the other begins.
Between the whiteouts, we were blessed with the Arctic
sun show. The columnar- and plate-shaped ice crystals
produced spectacular halos around the sun. Halos form
around the sun due to the light reflecting off of, and
transmitting through, the ice crystals.
The halos consist of the colors of the rainbow. The
rainbow colors form an elliptical circle around the
sun. Also, 22 degrees on each side of the sun,
sundogs form. Sundogs are faint replicas of the sun.
Sundogs make it appear that there are three suns in
the sky instead of the one. Rainbow colors, multiple
suns, ice crystals glittering and dancing in the sky
make up the Arctic sun show. An Arctic magic show
occurs amidst the coldness of the blue sky.
We camp tonight in a dip between two shallow hills.
Snowdrifts exist on each side of our camp. The snow is
deep. It will be a cold night. The wind is,
thankfully, calm.
Temperature max: -18 degrees Celsius
Temperature min: -32 degrees Celsius

Camp at sunset.

Jon is recording the information from the snowpit in the field book.

The field book showing the symbols for the layers of snow in a snowpit.
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