17 April, 2002
Take a small cookie cutter device and place it into
the slab of snow. Pull it out and you now have a snow
cookie. Not really, but a metal device is used to
measure the density of the snow in the snow pits. The
metal device cuts out exactly 100 cubic centimeters of
snow. The metal device is then placed on the balance
and the snow's mass is recorded. The snow density can
be calculated by dividing the mass by it's volume.
Remember your SWE density calculations??? Density =
The following density measurements were recorded while
doing a snow pit. Density measurements were taken
from each of the snow pit layers.
Assignment: Make a line graph showing the
relationship between the snow depth and density.
What relationship exits in this parcticular snow pit
between depth and density??
Depth (cm) Density
47.5 0.109
46 0.444
28 0.390
25 0.399
24 0.320
18 0.242
17.5 0.257
13 0.228
9 0.215
LATITUDE: 69.28171 degrees North
Longitude: 155.51049 degrees West
The Arctic is a windy, white world. The white makes
the world have no beginning or end. It encompasses
one's very being. Time and placement loses its value
and meaning in this world. Disorientated and confused
are common feelings. The whiteness can quickly
overtake a human.
Clouds moved in over us last night and with the clouds
came warmth. The temperature rose 20 degrees. Our
departure from camp was during a whiteout. The
whiteout lasted for the majority of the day. With the
complete whiteness, came wind.
The Arctic wind bites strongly and is unforgiving. It
allows the cold to creep into our layers of clothing.
Measurements are difficult to take during the wind and
the whiteness. The body wishes to shut down. The
mind keeps pushing the body onward so the tasks can be
When the whiteness finally cleared it was evident that
our terrain had changed. The snow is deeper,
averaging 70 cm, and as far as the eye can see lays
this deep snow. Here there are great expanses of
whiteness and gradual hills.
Camp is once again hidden between hills providing us
with shelter from the wind. Light snow falls upon our
evening quarters.
Temperature Max: -16 degrees Celsius
Temperature Min: -29 degrees Celsius

Density measurements are taken in the snowpit using the metal cutter.

A balance is used to find the mass of the snow. The cutter is 100 cubic centimeters. Using the balance and the cutter, the density of the snow can be calculated.

Camp is usually taken on frozen rivers. The snowdrifts protect us from the wind.
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