5 April, 2002
What is the importance of mixing the X-games with
the Wizard of Oz?????? Why use the Light
Attenuation Probe????
The light attenuation probe measures the amount
of light that is penetrating into the snowpack.
The amount of light that travels into the
snowpack decreases as the depth increases. Just
try to envision how much light can travel down a
small hole into the snow; that is what the light
attenuation probe is measuring.
The type of snow affects the amount of light that
can penetrate. The bigger the snow grains, more
light is able to penetrate. The smaller the snow
grains, less light is able to penetrate. In our
measurements 66% of the light has been able to
through to a depth of 20 cm. In Antarctica, ice
grains can be so large that light can
penetrate to depths of 2 meters!!!! Wow!
More light facts later!
Latitude: 66.70197 degrees North
Longitude: 160.01095 degrees West
We stay hunkered down in the Selawik shelter cabin
this evening. It's the first time we have stayed two
nights in the same place since departing Council. A
feeling of home has set in on the cabin. The day was
a long, hard, cold, day for testing and this brings
the cause for staying at the cabin. Class 1 chemical
samples were taken today. This procedure requires 4
hours of work in Tyvek suits, respirators, and latex
gloves. However after a long day of work, there is
celebration in the air! We celebrated Glen's 42nd
birthday with steaks, cheesecake and ice cream!!! Such
a treat after a long day! Tomorrow we move on.....
Temperature max: -6 degrees Celsius
Temperature min: -18 degrees Celsius

Back amongst the Spruce trees in the forest!

Setting up the Light attenuation test!

Glen enjoying his birthday cheesecake on his 42nd birthday!
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