1 February, 1998
Gould-en Greetings!
Today started out early for our group with a CTD
(Conductivity-Temperature-Density) cast. Not long after that, we had
another CTD cast and I wasn't through with running the dissolved oxygen
titrations for the first cast! What a busy day it looked to be. Then,
some of the problems that had plagued us at the beginning of the cruise
reared their ugly heads again -- the pressure sensors on the plankton nets
that indicate the depth at which the nets were operating stopped working.
We spent most of the day at the second site trying to get the sensors
fixed. It is now 6:15 PM and the decision was made to go on to the third
site, all the while the repairs crews will be working on the net sensor
cable so perhaps the nets will be able to get data there also. After that
we will return to the second site and try to get the plankton data missed.
Those of you plotting the grid pattern of the boat's course should notice
that we are backtracking tonight. It ended up being a restful day, but the
evening and night will now be busy. There are no set schedules here, only
planned ones. And plans oft go astray....
I had an opportunity to talk with another volunteer, Barbara Boczar,of
Davis California. Barbara went to University of California Santa Barbara
where she got her doctorate in Marine Biology with an emphasis on
biochemistry. Instead of being content with that, she went to law school
and now specializes in environmental and patent law. She did research at
McMurdo while working on her post-doctorate and now volunteers whenever she
can to work down here. According to Barbara, most large companies are
trying to comply with environmental and safety laws. Someone needs to
advise them on what they should do. That is where her job fits in. With
her science background, Barbara has the depth of knowledge in both science
and law to accurately assess what needs to be done. Legal problems are
becoming very technical in this field and she is in a unique position to
help companies comply with what needs to be done to prevent harmful side
effects from industry. Working with industry to find safer, more suitable
ways to manufacture the goods that we need is the fastest way to get to the
cleaner environment that we all want.
Last night, it was a bit rocky on the boat, making it difficult to get to
sleep for some of the people aboard.
This morning, there was an announcement posted on the bulletin board --
winds were 49.5 mph last night! Welcome to Antarctica! The wind was still
at about 25 - 30 mph much of today, causing white, frothy tops to form on
many of the waves crests. Watching the ship plow into the waves, creating
gigantic walls of spray, was exhilarating, but I was also glad that I was
in this great big ship that could handle it! The wind has now calmed down
to a reasonable 16 mph and the air temperature now is .7 degrees Celsius.
Quick - what is the approximate temperature in degrees Fahrenheit?
Thank you for all the good questions you've asked. I do enjoy answering
Warm regards,
Mrs. D

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