24 May, 2000
'House Mouse' is such a quaint little term that belies the day of
servitude that each person - VECO staff, lab tech, researcher, or
teacher- must contribute at least 1 time during their stay. All
dishes from 3 meals plus the pots and pans that our overachieving
cook can dirty, must be hand washed and sterilized. The list goes on
and on with vacuuming, cleaning toilet areas, dusting, and the
BIGGIE, getting water for the house. No city plumbing and water
access here - no wells either. Where do you suppose we get our water?
Snow must be shoveled into a bin connected to the generator about
100m from the house. Pretty nifty set-up. The whole process is
rather long and strenuous, as packed snow is rather hard to shovel
and it takes a long time for a 200gal carboy (large plastic water
tank) to fill. The one neat thing about the whole ordeal is that you
get to drive the SkiDoo to tow the water back to the house. Certainly
makes you appreciate how valuable water is and how carefully it
should be conserved.
After 'House Mousing,' one is ready to get back into that cold
science trench with little reservation.
Warm regards,
Besse Dawson

Part of the long process of gathering water for the Big ouse.

> The "scullery," where dishes became sparkling clean. < dawson.jpg>>
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