7 June, 2000
The tent was warm. It was morning and the tent was already warm. I didn't
have to pull my clothes on over 'goose bumps' for the first time in
Greenland. The 'Arctic Oven' tent was living up to its name finally.
Temperatures today stayed around -11 C with almost no wind. A startlingly
blue sky charmed us all day today, too.
The 3 of us crunched our way out to an untrampled area between the science
Quonset hut and the science trench. Mike Dziobak, research associate, and
Yanyan Lu, graduate student, with Dr. Richard Honrath of Michigan
Technology University, and I were out to set up an experiment for another
researcher, Dr. Sarah Green, who could not be present. We dug little snow
pits of 40 cm deep to place sealed glass rods horizontally in the snow
layers. Within the sealed rods was nitrate in a solution that would not
allow freezing. The purpose was to expose those compounds to different
amounts of light as the depth decreased. The rods are sealed to prevent any
reactions other than those caused by the light. It is suspected that
photochemical destruction (reactions caused by light) of nitrates occurs to
a significant degree in or on the snow surface, creating other nitrogen
compounds. Nitrogen compounds can affect the cycling of tropospheric
nitrogen and ozone. The polar regions were first thought to be a 'sink,'
or inert reservoir, of these compounds. But if current hypotheses are
correct, the polar regions take the nitrogen compounds that float in from
industrial emissions and keep them active photochemically. Tomorrow we will
recover the glass rods and pack them so that they have no more light to
cause further reactions for Dr. Honrath to take back to Dr. Green.
Warm regards,
Besse Dawson
If you send me an email, please include your email address so I may reply
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Working with sealing the tubes in the little snow pit test. > <>
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