12 June, 2001
Walked up to the site this morning and was met by what was once our mascot,
the snowwoman. Reminded me of the line in the Wizard of Oz: "I'm
melting!!!" This gives you an idea of how fast things can change around here.
(Picture below)
We are still working to get the site up and ready for the first diurnal (24
hours worth of continuous measurements) by the end of the week, or early next
week. We plan to do this twice a week till the end of the season. The
remaining chambers had to have collars fitted on them, which would not have
been difficult except for the fact they were submerged in 2 to 4 inches or
freshly melted snow water…COLD! Try and fit a 3/16 nut on a bolt that you
can't see and is in 35-degree water... when you're lying down in the most
uncomfortable positing possible. Now do this 36 times! The three of us
found our hands didn't want to work after a few tries but we continued and
finished the job by the afternoon, sacrificing our bodies to science! With
that done we plan on going out tomorrow and installing the pumps to clear the
chambers of the standing water. (If only we could have done that before!)
In the afternoons, when we arrive back at the lab, usually about 4pm,
there's enough time to clean up, email, read or just relax before dinner, which
begins at 5 and goes through 6:30. It's there in the dinning room that
all the different scientists meet and talk with each other discussing what they
are working on or what their day’s work entailed. It is there also that
people get to socialize and meet with the new groups coming in. There are
research teams coming and going all the time, in fact a group of 6
undergraduate students from University of Michigan just arrived yesterday.
They will be here till August working on a project mapping the tundra
vegetation and the variables which effect growth. They have a large team
because the physical area they are covering is large. What a great way to
spend a summer, researching, learning and going to places not usually on the
normal tourist track.
This is the most up to date picture of the site yet. (See below) Glen took a
short walk near the site and found this nest of dunlin eggs. Dunlins are
similar to sandpipers. They have the same walk and when they fly they seem to
hover above an area. They also produce a very distinctive sound, sort of like
a whirly- gig!! If you know what that is!
The birds are starting to come back. Every day we are seeing more snow buntings, beautiful, small, black and white birds
which seem to be traveling only in pairs presently and will not stay in one
spot long enough for me to snap a picture. We also had a short look at a
snowy owl this morning at the site.

What a difference a few days make. Our once well formed and fashioned snow person met it's match..the sun!

A panoramic of the entire site. I'm on my side caulking the collars. All the joints have to be air tight when we put the chamber on to measure gas exchange at the end of this week .
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