9 July, 2001
Today was very cold, even for Barrow. I had to wear my sweater plus my
fleece under my jacket, something I haven't done since I arrived. The
wind was blowing from the north, which made it feel that much colder.
There are a few ice chunks left on the ocean now and the wind was blowing
the water against them at such a fast clip that breakers were washing the
bergs! Rommel flew out over the ice, which we found out is bunched up out
of sight about 3 miles from shore, and assured us that yes, the ice is
still there and it is playing host to a large number of seals.
Glen and I went out into the field early today. He helped me out with
identifying the types of mini-topography present at each flag point along
the 7 tower transects. With tundra polygons it's hard to see the entire
picture when you are standing in the middle of one! The data collected
from 3 years ago did not include precise definitions of each topographic
type so we have to backtrack and see if we can understand how the first
observer was labeling what he saw. I don't expect my version to be an
exact replica three years later but it shouldn't be very different either.
Things just don't change that much up here in that short of a time.
After lunch we went back out, with more layers of clothes on. Glen
continued to measure fluxes comparing the controls to various treatments
at his site, while I walked more transects. I enjoy this. I can walk all
over the tundra, take pictures, practice my plant identification skills
and observe what is going on around me. Today I spotted the fox that was
rushing around scaring up the birds. She sat down for what seemed like a
long time. As I watched her she looked like she was eating something.
After she moved on out of view, I walked over to her resting place and was
looking around to see if I could get clues as to what she was doing. No
clues but I scared up a sandpiper like bird that would not leave the area.
I found her nest; the fox didn't, and took some pictures of the 4 eggs she
was so vehemently protecting. You would think a nest on the ground would
be easy prey for others to find but when I took my eyes off of it to get
my camera I had a difficult time relocating it! Brown speckled eggs dug
into the tundra surrounded by grasses, there's not a better hiding place.
I came back before dinner after completing 2 transects. I'll be finished
with the data gathering part of the project by Thursday and then will
begin organizing and analyzing what I have. I started out wanting to
know if there have been changes in the plant distribution and topographic
features over the past few years but once the data is in I might find
other trends or relationships which I didn't foresee. I will put this
information into a GIS data base and be able to then manipulate and
display the data in a number of ways.
This seems to be the schedule the group will be on for the next week.
Lety is taking her soil respiration measurements, Michelle is separating
the roots she has gather so she can stain them and determine if fungi are
present, Hyojung and Spring keep processing data from the Barrow and the
Prudhoe Bay towers and Rommel and Joe keep trying to keep the airplane up
in the air as much as possible, weather permitting. They completed one
transect this morning from the Barrow tower to the Atkasook tower but the
cloud ceiling dropped this afternoon and have not been up again. Stan
and Erika were in the field again today collecting flux and reflectance
measurements. Things seem to have fallen into a routine here with
everyone doing their jobs and enjoying being here.

The nest was well hidden and the Mama stayed very close all the time trying to lure me away.

This Dunlin mom watched me and approached to within 3 feet.
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