11 November, 2003
Tonight we had visitors in camp. Elizabeth and Allen who work at the
MEC (they're the folks in charge of vehicles and vehicle training)
came to dinner and brought an extra guest-Brad Ranger, known to all
in Antarctica as 'Brad the Boy Scout'. Brad is the 11th Boy Scout to
visit Antarctica as part of an official program. The first scout to
parcticipate in this program was Paul Siple, who visited in 1928 and
worked with Byrd's exploratory group. He went on after his first
Antarctic experience to distinguish himself by inventing bunny boots
(those stylin' white boots that keep our feet so toasty). In
addition, he developed the concept of wind chill and the scale that
is used to describe just how cold it feels when the wind is blowing.
Brad traveled here from Atlanta, Georgia, arriving at WinFly in late
August. He will stay through mid-February and had been filling his
time by joining with a variety of research teams. He has a busy
schedule-tomorrow he's off to spend a week or two in the Dry Valleys
at Lake Bonney. From there he will travel to New Harbor and then
back to McMurdo for a few days. Then it's off to Mt. Erebus with
some researchers, followed by a stint at the South Pole. And
then=8A=8AWell, Brad says, "I can see everything I can convince people
I'm worthy of seeing."
The selection process was arduous. Brad was chosen from a field of
almost 200 applicants, all of whom were Eagle Scouts. The process
began with a written application and a series of interviews until he
reached the top four. The final interview was conducted in Dallas
with all 10 of the past Boy Scout parcticipants grilling the
applicants. It was obvious to us that Brad was chosen because of
his extreme adaptability and affability, as well as his interest in
Antarctica. If you would like to learn more about Brad's trip and
experiences, you can log onto the Boy Scout web site at
Daily Haiku:
Dinner guests in camp
Brad the Boy Scout visits us
Learning all he can

Brad the Boy Scout visits our camp.
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