7 November, 2003
We emerged from our storm-induced hibernation ready to tag some pups.
Gillian and I set off for South Base and the Hutton Cliffs, while
Kelly and Mark went to the southern end of that section, starting at
Pram Point and working their way north to meet us at Hutton Cliffs.
While the weather and visibility were still somewhat less than
perfect, it was time to catch up with the pups that had been born
since we last visited those areas a week ago.
You know what we did during the storm, but what did the seals do? We
came across a lot of seals that looked like they had spent the entire
two days lying on the ice, gradually accumulating a coating of snow.
There were deep troughs in the snow that developed where they had
been lying, motionless, through the storm. There were even a few
pups that appeared to have been born over the past few days.
It was, apparently, a great day for swimming lessons. We saw a
number of pups in the water with their mothers, getting instruction
on swimming and, perhaps more important, exiting the water. The
swimming pups reminded us of kids in a swimming pool on a chilly
day-even though they're visibly shivering, they don't get out of the
When Mark and Kelly finished tagging the pups in their area, they
headed back to camp and over to Inaccessible and Tent Islands to look
for more new pups. While they did see a few new ones, they were even
more excited by the sighting of a lone Adelie Penguin who had
wandered over from somewhere near Cape Royds. I'm hoping we'll get a
few penguins visiting our camp soon, as well.
As of today, we have tagged 294 pups. The number of pups continues
to be consistent with the number tagged in 2001, and fewer than those
tagged last year.
Daily Haiku:
Seals covered in snow
Waiting for the storm to end

Snow-covered seals after the storm.

Swimming lessons in a slush-filled hole. Brrrrrr!

This lone Adelie Penguin was wandering near Inaccessible Island

Who's watching whom?

Mark and the Adelie Penguin
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