2 December, 2003
Today it's time for the "All-Haiku" journal. The storm continues to
rage around us, with constant winds of 40+mph. It's sort of like
living inside a vacuum cleaner with a never-ending loud roar of the
wind as a constant backdrop.
Storm-inspired haiku:
Miles per hour, endless roaring
Hang on to your hat
Stuck inside our huts
Can you feel them sliding now
Where are we going
Fish huts slide on ice
Are we closer to the edge
Beach front property
Where is the outhouse
Can you see it through the snow
Don't get lost out there
The storm is raging
Wind blowing from the South Pole
Carries snow away
It's condition one
Visibility zero
We stay in the huts
Snow blows over seals
What could they be doing now
Blubber keeps them warm
Snow drifts three feet deep
Twenty-four hours of strong winds
Bare ice shows again
What should we do now?
I am finished with my book
How about knitting
Pancakes for breakfast
Epic trip to the cooler
Can you find butter?
Where does wind come from
With a roar like a freight train
So much energy

This is the view from our kitchen hut across to the lab hut. There was a lot of snow blowing around!

Going to the outhouse was quite an adventure! When you opened the door it would catch in the wind and almost fly off into space.

Our top recorded windspeed was 77mph! Since we are in a somewhat protected location, we're not sure what the real top windspeed was.
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