4 December, 2003
What an amazing day-we were able to leave the compound and venture
forth into our snowy seal kingdom. It was time for our penultimate
census. On Sunday will do our last census before packing up camp and
moving back to McMurdo. It's hard to believe that in 10 days we will
be in New Zealand, in a world where green is the predominant color.
After a lengthy snowstorm, it's a good idea to check under the hood
of the snowmobile before starting it up. If the snow is really
packed in tightly, the fan belts and drive belts don't work right and
can result in some major damage. Although we had covers on our
machines, the engine compartments were packed with wind-driven snow.
Once we had shoveled and brushed the compartments clear we set off,
equipped with ropes and shovels just in case we found deep
snowmobile-eating drifts blocking our paths. As it turned out, the
snow had filled in the ditches between the sastrugi mounds and travel
was actually much easier than it has been for most of the season. It
was kind of like the difference between skiing down a run covered
with rock-hard bumps and skiing on a powder day when you are greeted
with a smooth white layer of fluffy snow. Of course, all that smooth
snow meant that we spent a considerable amount of energy wading
through drifts up to our knees to get to the seals. It also meant
that we had to be extra careful traveling near areas with ice cracks
and crevasses, since they were hidden under the snow.
All was well in the kingdom. Today we counted 980 seals across the
study area. We didn't find any seals that had died since the last
census, but there are some motherless pups that are looking mighty
thin and forlorn. The larger pups all seemed as fat and content as
ever as they lounged next to their mothers or lay next to holes
waiting for their mothers to return from swimming. I continue to be
amazed at how big these pups have gotten in a very short time. Their
high fat diet has very impressive results. Some are ready for
weaning and will soon be on their own when their mothers return to
the water.
Today was also incredibly warm. The temperature was at or above
freezing most of the day. When the wind stops it is almost hot-or
what passes for hot weather down here. What an incredible change from
the cold days of October and the first few weeks of November. The
melt pools are growing, the ice cracks are spreading, and you need to
step carefully in the slushy areas lest you find a soft spot that is
higher than a boot top.
Daily Haiku:
Fat seal pups on ice
Lose one coat grow another
Weaning time is near

It's a good idea to check under the hood of the snowmobile before starting it up after a big snowstorm.

The new snow has filled in all the spaces between the hard sastrugi mounds. It's much smoother travelling, although you need to look carefully for cracks and deep drifts.

The view from North Base is much snowier than it's been this season.

Compare these two seals. The one on the left is much smaller. This is the pup that appeared at our hut at the beginning of the storm. Apparently, it has been abandoned by its mother and its chances for survival are pretty low. The seal on the right was lying waiting for its mother to return from a swim. You can see how much fatter it is.
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