6 December, 2003
As our field season winds down, and our days are spent catching up on
odds and ends, this is a perfect time for one last team member
biographical sketch. Bob Garrott is co-PI for the Weddell Seal
Project and has been in camp since mid-November. The following is a
brief biography he gave me.
I was born in Bermuda while my father was in the Air Force and grew
up in a small industrial city in central Pennsylvania. My father
died when I was young after being disabled in the Korean War and
throughout my childhood my mother struggled to raise 3 children on
the poverty wages of a factory job. Somehow she pulled it off and
instilled in me the value of an education that she never received.
While I was not a sterling student in high school there was never a
question that I would try to go to college. I got interested in the
natural world by playing in a large cemetery near our home and
walking to a park at the edge of town. A limestone stream flowed
through the park and it was there that I got hooked on fishing and
peering into the clear waters to learn the ways of the trout I was
pursuing. This started my life-long passion of observing nature and
learning that has only intensified as I have gain more education,
knowledge, and experience. As I matured physically and was given
permission to wander further afield I was soon hiking several miles
up the railroad tracks that followed that little limestone stream
into the rural countryside. This eventually lead to an expansion of
my sporting interests and by high school I was spending all my spare
time fishing, hunting, trapping muskrats, and falconry. In high
school I found I really enjoyed biology and the nature programs on
television influenced me greatly. National Geographic specials of
the Craighead brothers' adventures in the northern Rockies, the
Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom, and the Cousteau specials inspired me
to become a biologist, to travel the world, and have adventures. On
graduating from high school I left home for college in Montana,
majoring in wildlife biology, and never looked back.
Discovering the wildlands of the northern Rockies in Montana took me
all of a week and I was soon hitchhiking to trailheads nearly every
weekend to backpack into the mountains. I was a marginal student for
my first few years in college because I spent too much time
whitewater boating, backpacking, and hitchhiking to explore new
country. But as I moved into my upper division science classes and
was exposed to professors and graduate students that were conducting
wildlife research I became much more serious about my education and
career. I volunteered on an elk telemetry project when I was a
junior in college and this experience really opened up my eyes.
Every other weekend throughout the winter I snowshoed to a wall tent
buried in 4 feet of snow on the top of a ridge and radio-tracked elk
all night, exploring the wintery forest all day. This was a blend of
field science, outdoor activities, and wild places that made me
realize what sort of career I could have it I applied myself and I
became a very serious student.
When not in classes I worked hard at finding opportunities for more
field research experiences and adventures in remote areas. My first
real job came as a technician helping a graduate student study arctic
foxes in northern Alaska. This lead to a 6-year commitment to arctic
fox research. During this time the lady that was to become my wife
and I became an independent research team living in a remote camp for
3-4 months each year. I eventually used some of this research to
complete a M.S. degree at Penna. State Univ. and just as the arctic
fox research was coming to an end I landed a job studying a large
migratory mule deer herd in a remote part of western Colorado. My
wife and I spent another 6 years working as a team on this project
and it was here that I matured from a field technician interested in
the natural history of animals to a field scientist trying to
understand the patterns and processes that make ecosystems work.
After the Colorado research I entered a Ph.D. graduate program at the
Univ. of Minnesota under an outstanding mentor who gave me lots of
freedom to develop my own research and opportunities to expand my
experiences. While my own research was focused on understanding the
population dynamics of wild horses throughout the western United
States, I also took off for months at a time on several marine mammal
studies that included work on sea otters in California and Alaska and
my first trip to Antarctica to study Weddell seals. All of a sudden
it seemed my romantic high school fantasies of leading the life of a
field ecologist, studying animals in wild and remote places had
become a reality.
Today I am a professor at Montana State University specializing in
large mammal research. Besides the Weddell seal project that you have
learned so much about from Suzy I also run a research program in
Yellowstone National Park which focuses on elk, bison, and wolves and
all the ecological processes that influence these animals and the
landscape they occupy. I have found that I am more excited every year
with my job and learning. Science is a never ending process, as you
learn, you want to learn more. With more knowledge you understand
just how much you don't know and entirely new areas of inquiry open
up to you. It's a bit crazy just how passionate one can get about
science. Not a day goes by that I am not thinking about how I can
improve my research and learn more. No matter what I learn and
accomplish I am always challenged and humbled by what I don't know.
But this just fosters my passion for science and life in general. I
can't imagine a better and more rewarding life and plan to keep at it
as long as I am physically and mentally able - asking questions and
seeking answers.
Daily Haiku:
Arctic fox mule deer
Wolves and elk in Yellowstone
Weddell Seals on ice

Bob Garrott, PI for the Weddell Seal study

Bob Garrott holds the scale stick while a seal gets photographed.
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