10 November, 2003
Sling Low Sweet Chariot
Temperature: 18*F
Location: McMurdo Station, Antarctica
Today was a loading and preparation day. All the supplies that had
previously been weighed were transferred to the helicopter pad so the
crew could set up the "sling" for the gear. The total weight of our
gear going into the field is over 1000 pounds! Peter, Phil, and Roman
will depart for the field tomorrow, while I complete "happy camper school".
I completed training today on operating generators, jiffy drills (augers
are attached to these drills so holes of various sizes can be drilled),
and ATV's. We all also completed training on using the radio
communications while in the field. We reviewed which mountains to aim
our signals towards so they could be relayed back to McMurdo. We
established a "check in" time with the station for us to radio in and
let people in McMurdo know we are accounted for and safe.
I was reminded again today of how many people are involved with
supporting our trip out to the field. There are scientists, students,
mechanics, pilots, communications specialists, camping gear
coordinators, clothing issue personnel, and all the people to help
support everyone such as chefs, doctors, and housing coordinators.
This is complicated enough for just one team, but there are about 300
scientists down here, all requesting time from the support personnel.
Everything runs quite smoothly!
Things are just about ready to go now; if the weather holds, the first
flight to the Dry Valleys will head out in the morning! Everyone is
anxious to get going. As the early Norwegian explorer Fridtjof Nansen
said "The worst part of a polar expedition is over when the preparation
has ended and the journey begun."
Now would be a good time to introduce everyone to two polar explorers
which have joined me on this venture. One is named Red. Red is a
"geobear" from Mrs. Metzger's fifth grade class at Monroe Center Grade
School in Illinois. Mrs. Metzger's class has geo bears going (or
already been) to as many places as possible around the world as part of
a geography lesson. I agreed to bring "Red" to Antarctica! Red has
accompanied me to every location I have been so far, and will continue
to stay at my side for the duration of the trip. Red sends a great big
"hello" to all his friends back at Monroe Center School.
The second polar explorer I have brought with me is named Lucy. Lucy is
a stuffed canada goose. My school in New Hampshire often discusses the
"Lessons From Geese" metaphor. It is about supporting each other and
teamwork. Lucy is with me at all times as a reminder of all the support
I continue to receive from all my friends back home - Thanks!

1) Peter reviewing some data.

2) Vinny going over the ATV basics.

3) Tony and the top of a "jiffy" drill.

4) Transferring gear at the helicopter pad.

5) Shelly overseeing radio communications at Mac Ops (McMurdo Operations).

6) Transmission being received at Mac Ops.

7) Seal in very different conditions than yesterday!

8) Lucy and red sitting on the shoulder of Admiral Byrd's statue.

9) Sling low!
Contact the TEA in the field at
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TEA's e-mail address in the "To:" line of
your favorite e-mail package.