23 November, 2004
Ghostly Graveyard
Temperature: 5 *F with light snow
Location: Lake Hoare
It amazes me how subtle changes in the environment can have a
profound impact in
the feeling it conveys. We had a light snow throughout the day today which
blanketed the surrounding hills with a dusting of snow. The whiteness put a
soft, almost tender, touch to the starkness of the mountains.
The lake also revealed some subtle changes today. One of my tasks was to
collect water samples from just above the mat at four different depths: 52 ,
39, 26, and 16 feet. To collect the samples, I took four empty core tubes with
me and stoppers for each end. I positioned myself at the respective depths,
and then carefully gathered water from just above the matt. I then stoppered
both ends and moved to the next depth.
The shallow water sample required that I swim to an area that was just beneath
the ice. Due to the recent warm weather, there has been a fair amount of run
off entering the lake. This has created a milky layer, almost like fog, just
below the ice. The layer has been getting thicker over the last two days.
In order to understand the subtle change the lake showed, one must understand
some basics about the mat. The bacteria that Ian is studying photosynthesize
and in the process release oxygen into the lake. Sometimes the oxygen bubbles
get trapped underneath the mat, which eventually causes the mat to bulge and
ultimately lift off. The mat then gets trapped beneath the ice until it gets
absorbed into the ice.
Today, while collecting my shallow water sample, I swam into a region of the
lake where there has been considerable lift off. Immense pieces of mat were
dangling from the bottom of the ice into the fog layer. It looked like a
ghostly graveyard. It was beautiful.

1) A "short core." The very thin layer on the top is the current mat.

2) Kay places an oxygen sensor into the water sample I just retrieved from the lake.

3) Measuring the ph of the lake water sample.

4) Cross section of a mat sample.

5) Cross section through a pinnacle area.

6) Our helmets drying by the heater!

7) My triple hood design to cope with the broken face seal!

8) Me, happy again with my fixed hood!
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