26 November, 2003
Learning life lessons!
Temperature: 13*F
Location: McMurdo Station, Antarctica
Today I had the opportunity to go back out to Scott's Hut at Cape Evans; I leapt
at the chance! Part of the fun in going on these excursions is the pure
adventure of getting to the destination. The sea ice is thinning - a tell tale
sign is the increased numbers of seals that are "hauling out" and lounging on
the ice - so travel out to places like Cape Evans is getting limited. I didn't
want to miss an opportunity to "get out of town!" I was also hoping to see a
penguin along the way.
Our driver reminded us of the safety issues with traveling in the huge Delta
trucks. Seatbelts are a must, the road is bumpy... some people have hit their
heads on the ceiling after being bounced. This is impressive when you realize
that if you stand up in the truck, you're head just touches the ceiling.
That's a big bounce! The driver also reminded us not to open the exit door
when the vehicle stops - he will come open the door. The door is at the back
of the truck at the top of a large metal ladder. If the driver is climbing up
to let us out, and we open the door, we could knock him right off the ladder!
He followed this instruction with "but... if the truck goes through the ice and
water is filling the back, feel free to open the back door as well as the
escape hatch in the roof, and get out!" This made me question whether this
trip was such a good idea!
We made it to Cape Evans without mishap. Although several times the truck did
seem to slip off the "road" and sink into the ice a bit. There were lots of
raised eyebrows in the back; but we kept moving!
It was ferociously windy at Cape Evans today. This really gave me a feel for
just how cold and windy Antarctica can be; especially when I remembered that
this was just a "windy day." There was no storm, just a "little" wind. We
huddled into our big red parkas and waddled up to the hut. I shot some video
footage inside the hut during this trip. I also went into the horse stable
beside the hut which I had not been in before. It still smelled a bit like
horses! The horses names were stenciled into the wall across from there stalls.
It did make me sad to think of any animal being subjected to such harsh
I also noticed something else in the hut on this trip. Beside one of the bunks,
there was a list of names of people who had perished during the expedition. The
date was 1916, there were four names on the list as definate deaths, and
Shackletons name was on the list with a question mark beside it. Shackleton
was not part of Scott's trip, but they were keeping tabs on him through the men
that were stocking supplies for him.
Upon leaving the hut, I noticed a small group of people gathered around a spot
on the ice. I assumed there was a seal hole with a seal in it, so I quickly
joined the group. There was a mother seal and her pup in the hole! We are 98%
sure that this is the same mother and pup that was here on April 9th. The pup
was estimated to be about twenty four hours old on April 9th. Here we are,
seventeen days later; the pup is swimming! I felt like I was visiting old
friends. We watched the awkward, uncoordinated efforts of the pup beside the
graceful elegance of the mother. The pup was "barking" and scraping the ice
with its teeth. Ice scraping is what weddell seals do to keep their air holes
in the ice open. The pup had clearly already learned this vital skill. The
pup swam around the circle gnawing at the ice edge; I wondered what other life
lessons it had already been taught. We watched for a while and then decided we
should move away. We thought perhaps the mother and pup wanted to get out of
the water and we didn't want to interfere with their behavior. I wished them
both luck as we moved away!
Weddell seals have a tooth structure that is quite different from some of the
other seals. The weddell seals front teeth point forward to make ice scraping
easier. Because they spend so much time scraping the ice, their teeth tend to
be very worn down. Leapord seals spend their time on the ice edge and don't
rely on air holes or crevasses in the ice. Leapord seal teeth point straight
down and look quite ferocious! Below, are photos of weddell seal and leapord
seal skulls; check out the difference in the teeth.

1. The science lab in Scott's Hut.

2. Baby seal "ice scraping".

3. Mom!

4. Mother and pup!

5. Weddell seal skull. Notice the forward facing, worn down front teeth.

6. Leapord seal skull; notice the sharp downward facing front teeth!
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