4 November, 2003
And we're off!
Temperature: 75*F
Location: Los Angeles
Things are moving very quickly now! I met up with Peter Doran (the
Principle Investigator - project leader) at Los Angeles International
Airport. It was nice to see a familiar face in such a large crowd.
We left LA at about 9:15 pm on November 4th and arrived in Aukland,
New Zealand on November 6th. If that seems like a long time...it was
a twelve and a half hour flight, but we "lost a day" because we
crossed over the International Dateline. We flew on a Quantas
Airlines 747-400; quite a large plane!
Once we landed in Aukland, we claimed all our baggage and went
through customs. My hiking boots were temporarily taken so they could
be thoroughly cleaned before entering New Zealand. The customs agents
wanted to be extra careful to stop any invasive plant material from
inadvertantly entering New Zealand via the soles of my boots. It's
nice to know they make such efforts to help protect the native flora
and fauna.
We cleared customs and boarded another Qantas jet for the much
shorter flight to Christchurch, New Zealand. The scenery from the
plane was spectacular. Turquoise oceans nestled up to white sand
beaches which yielded to beautiful green pastures speckled with
grazing sheep, which in turn gave way to spectacular mountains with
jagged snow capped peaks. It is truly some of the most beautiful
country I have ever seen.
We checked into our hotel, ate lunch while watching a "sidewalk
chess" match, and then headed to the Clothing Distribution Center
(CDC) where we received our Extreme Cold Weather Clothing. All the
"first timers", like myself, watched a short movie about the
importance of having all the mandatory clothing and that it fits
The people at the CDC had pre-packed all our issued clothes, so our
first task was to try it all on and make any necessary exchanges.
Trying on all the layers of clothing on such a hot New Zealand day
was a swealtering experience to say the least! But, with visions of
the blizzards from the video playing in our minds, we gladly made
sure all the clothes fit properly!
Once we acquired all the proper clothing, we started the daunting
task of organizing the packing! Each person is issued 2 (or 3 if
going to South Pole Station) orange duffle bags. One is the "hand
carry" bag which must hold all the mandatory flight clothes plus
clothes which can be worn in Christchurch in the event that the
flight doesn't leave or gets turned back. It would be quite
uncomfortable to have to wear fleece pants, jackets, and "bunney
boots" in the warm Christchurch summer! The other duffle bag holds
everything else.
The distribution of clothing was tiring but exciting. It's all
starting to feel very near now; the energy from everyone around is
We finally were able to go have a nice relaxing dinner at a local
Thai restraurant and headed back to the hotel. It has been a long and
busy day, but I'm having the time of my life!

1) Peter Doran in front of the Windsor Hotel; Christchurch, New Zealand

2) Side walk chess match in Christchurch!

3) Statue of the infamous Robert Falcon Scott; Christchurch, NZ

4) Extreme Cold Weather Clothing

5) Find your bags!
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