2 December, 2004
The Deep Blue
Temperature: 19*F
Location: McMurdo Station
It amazes me that a region that looks so desolate on the surface can be swarming
with life just beneath the ice. Today we dove through the thickest dive hole
in Antarctica - at least that the folks here know about! The ice itself was 20
feet thick with about 4 feet of snow on top of it. A bulldozer had to come
through and plow out a trench just so the divers could reach the hole. Talk
about a “tube”! It seemed to go on forever!
Our dive hole today was positioned over 110 feet of water. We followed the dive
line down to the bottom. Because there was so much snow over the surrounding
ice, very little light was getting through the ice. It was basically pitch
black. We each had a dive light, so we could see each other, but that was
about it. As we approached the bottom, things started coming into view. We
were near the bottom of a sloping ridge. The ground was absolutely covered
with life. Huge sea stars of all colors, the biggest sea spider I have ever
seen, sponges, and soft corals; I even got to hold a little octopus! What an
amazing world lies hidden below the ice.
Anchor ice was forming on the soft corals even at a depth of 70 feet. Although
anchor ice is absolutely beautiful, it is detrimental to the organisms it grows
on. It will damage, even destroy, the tissues of the animals. Anchor ice
resembles shards of glass that have been stuck into the organism from all
angles. The light from our dive lights scattered in all directions as we aimed
them on the anchor ice revealing elaborate patterns within the ice shards.
I turned to look back at the dive hole. There was a beacon of deep blue light
beaming to the bottom. I could clearly see our down line with the strobe
lights attached. I don’t think I have ever felt so part of “another world” and
so removed from “our world.”

1) The Piston Bulley that took us to our dive.

2) Our dive hole.
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