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20 March, 2002


Sunny, High 35, Low ~5

Thermal Conductivity

Answer=0.0554818 W/m/K

Data Calculations

Thermal conductivity (keff) has two equations depending on the mean snow density. Calculate the thermal conductivity for the following mean snow density values from Jalpertia pond and refer to March 21st journal entry to compare your answers

March 12 = 0.1729894 g/cm3

March 14 = 0.1692461 g/cm3

March 16 = 0.1694646 g/cm3

March 18 = 0.1689839 g/cm3

TEA teachers work on Poker Flat

The TEA team arrived March 18th for Martin's 3-day mentoring workshop. Former Antarctica TEA teachers, Marge, Sandra, and Joanna came to help finalize Martin's mentoring aspect of the snow and ice program for teachers. All of us (including program Co-Principal Investigators, Delena, science education professor and Ron, 8th grade science teacher) met yesterday for our first meeting and today, for a field trip to Poker Flat. See pictures below.

Topic of the Day

Trans Alaska pipeline, running 800 miles long from Prudhoe Bay to the southern tip of Alaska, transports crude oil extracted from oil

fields on the Arctic ocean. Most of these pipelines are above ground to prevent thawing of permafrost. With a diameter of 48 inches (4 feet), over 13 billion barrels of oil have been transported since the very beginning (1977). http://www.alyeska-pipe.com/

So, What Do You Think?

What will be today's thermal conductivity results from Jalpertia pond? See tomorrow's journal for the answer.

1. UAF museum's Trans Alaska pipeline model.

2. & 3. Trans Alaska pipeline off of Steese Highway.


4. Joanna, Marge, Sandra, and Ron (left to right) and others all met at Jalpertia pond before heading back to the Research Range.

5. Ron and Marge measure mass from their pond.

6. Double checking results

7. Sandra finalizes heat flow calculations.

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