10 April, 2002
Weather: Cloudy High 25 Low -2
Heat Flux calculations
Recall your calculations from April 9th and compare your results to
the answers below: April 5th: -.45810 W/m2 April 6th:
-.42083 W/m2 April 8th: -.62407 W/m2
The Science Behind Water Depth
On Aurora pond, home school students did their weekly measurements
today. Before the students showed up, we arrived early to measure
water depth. Fishing weights attached to a measuring tape for water
depth measurements is another one of Martin's homemade devices. Mean
water depth including ice was 17 meters (approximately 55 feet). Ice
thickness alone is only .75 meters and that counts roughly 4% of the
entire water depth. See below for photos.
Heat Flow at Jalpertia Pond
Mean temperature gradient -15.2579 C/m Thermal
conductivity 0.05994 W/m/K
(-15.2579 C/m) x 0.05994 W/m/K = -0.91461W/m2
This is a mild heat flux.

2. Weights

1.& 2. Step 1: Preparing water depth measuring device.

3. Step 2: Drilling

4. Opening for weights.

5. Step 3: Ice thickness measurement.

6. Step 4: Insert weights in the drilled opening.

7. Step 5: Let down weights until they hit the bottom of the pond.

8. & 9. Step 6: Measurements taken from the surface of the ice.

9. Approximately 17 meters.
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