15 June, 1999
June 15, 1999
Happy day! :-D I am finally able to connect again. Please, if anyone
has sent me messages to michelehi@poi.net - I CANNOT access them, so please
resend them to mhauschulz@netscape.net...that will be my new address for
arctic mail! I am all settled in at the ARF (Arctic Research Facility) in
Barrow at the old NARL (Naval Arctic Research Laboratory) compound. Last
night, 4 more people arrived to help with the Steller's Eider
survey, so there are now 13 of us living there. 7 of us are there to work
with Steller's Eiders, and everyone else is involved in other research. The
ARF is an old bunkhouse formerly used by the Navy, but it is nice and
toasty warm and quite comfortable.
Flying into Barrow (June 9) was a fun experience - when we were taking off,
the pilot said "Flight attendants, prepare for takeoff." And they got on
the intercom and said "Thank you!" and he got on and said "You are quite
welcome!" and then they had the same little interchange when we were
landing. So polite! They also put a little psalm in with the food they
gave us, which was interesting. Barrow airport is all of one room, and the
baggage claim consists of someone standing behind black plastic throwing
your luggage down a 4 foot stainless steel ramp. Funny! And, you are able
to drive right up close to the airport, unlike any other airport I have
been to. Dr. Robert Suydam, the Principal Investigator for this research
project, was there to meet me with his truck parked right outside the door.
It was nice, because I didn't really pack too lightly!
I have been very lucky with the weather, people keep telling me that I am
experiencing weather that is rare this time of year up in Barrow. It has
been about 30 to 50 degrees, and I have been wearing long underwear, jeans,
a sweatshirt, and a light jacket every day. When I am walking out on the
tundra, I also put on another pair of wool socks, mostly to keep my hip
waders on. I have already gotten them stuck in the snow once. My right
foot was so entrenched that there was no way I could move in any direction.
I ended up pulling my foot out and standing stocking footed in the snow
while Tim Obritschkewitsch, a lead technician on this Steller's Eider
project - working for the USFW (United States Fisheries and Wildlife)-
tugged and dug and finally freed my boot. Immediately, with my next step, I
did the same thing with my left foot! Oooopps.
Please do not be confused, as I am going to back track in my journals and
fill in the dates that I have missed... also, pictures will slowly but
surely be inserted in the journals so you can see what I am talking
about... If you have any questions about the arctic, research, Alaska,
animals here, etc. please write!
I am so happy to be in contact again, and am looking forward to hearing
from you!
Michele Hauschulz

The Arctic Ocean from the plane. = ____________________________________________________________________ Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at http://webm= ail.netscape.com.

First glimpse of Barrow, from plane. ____________________________________________________________________ Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at http://webm= ail.netscape.com.

Barrow Airport - this room is the whole airport! (Notice the baggage clai= m, this is my favorite part!) ____________________________________________________________________ Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at http://webm= ail.netscape.com.
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