26 February, 2000
Extreme Cold Weather (ECW) Clothing Issue, Magellanic Penguin Colony
Question 7: What species of penguins live in the southern part of South
America and the Antarctic Peninsula?
This morning, before we pick up our van and head for Torres del Paine
National Park, we have to go to the AGUNSA warehouse at the port and get our
issues of Extreme Cold Weather (ECW) clothing. It will be on loan to us until
we return to Punta Arenas in May. Although we sent clothing sizes and
measurements down to them several months ago, it is wise to check to make sure
everything is in the bag and fits.
When we got to the ECW clothing warehouse, Mario was waiting for us with all
of our gear packed into green army duffel bags. Getting it back into the bag
after we unpacked it was difficult! The warehouse has aisle after aisle full
of different supplies and sizes. Our ECW issue includes: rainsuit, red USAP
jacket and pants, wind pants, down vest, chamois shirt, two sets long
underwear, one set fleece top and bottom, gaiters, balaclava, hat with ear
flaps, four pairs mittens, one pair gloves, four pairs socks, water bottle,
Sorrel boots and two pairs liners. After we check our gear, we sign for it
and are ready to leave!
Today we will go only as far as Puerto Natales for the night, approximately
250 km. Driving north we went to visit the colony of Magellanic Penguins at
Otoway Bay. These penguins come inland and make burrows in the sandy soil or
under shrubs in which to lay their eggs and raise their chicks. The juvenile
penguins have fledged (adult feathers have grown in), and most of them have
left the rookery. The adults are now sitting around waiting to molt (new
feathers grow in and push out the old ones) before they go out to sea until
next October, when it is time to come ashore again to raise another batch of
chicks. While they are out at sea, they swim as far north as Rio de Janeiro,
following the species of fish they eat.
Puerto Natales is a town of 18,000 people on the shore of Seno Ultima
Esperanza (Last Hope Bay). There were hundreds of King Cormorants sitting on
pilings and many Black-necked Swans swimming in the bay when we drove into
Answer 6: Seven: I will start in Alaska Standard and travel through four zones
on my way to Florida in the Eastern Standard time zone. Then it is two more
zones to the east for Chile. The Antarctic Peninsula is on the same time as
Chile so Palmer Station is 6 hours different (later) than Anchorage.

Magellanic Penguin Colony on Otoway Bay, Chile.

Pair of Magellanic Penguins resting while they molt.

Trying on some of my ECW clothing issue in Punta Arenas!

The whole ECW kit and caboodle; it does all fit in the green army duffel.

Part of the AGUNSA clothing warehouse in Punta Arenas.
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