31 December, 2002
Happy New Year!
Cross your fingers! I think I figured out how to get my journals to
post without all the extra distracting symbols! Also, please go back
and look at the pictures for December 22 about Scott's hut. I'm
finally getting caught up with all of the details. Just a reminder
that I keep adding "terms to know" on December 13th, so if you run
across an acronym (which are rampant in Antarctica!) or an undefined
term, check there. (Or e-mail me to explain it if I have left it off
the list.)
I can't believe that another year has passed. It's time for some New
Year's Resolutions again. I always say, "Get more exercise," but I
don't think that will be an issue this year, at least not until I get
What a great New Year's this has been so far--Jen and I slept in 'til
almost noon. We didn't set our alarms thinking the 9 AM helo would
wake us up, but they were grounded and we slept on. We eased
ourselves into the day with a couple of cups of latte--an espresso
machine! Can you imagine?! Then took LIGHT backpacks and tooled on
down the lake on the ATV. We took a leisurely hike back up to the
streams we struggled to yesterday--finished our measurements in about
45 minutes and then rode back to Lake Hoare. It's 5:00 and Leslie is
cooking up lobsters and steaks, chocolate cake and yummy appetizers.
I'm going to go get dressed up in a few minutes--clean jeans and a
new fleece--and about six others are expected around and over the
glacier about 7:00. Thomas left on the ATV wearing a blue wig to
pick up guests at the end of the glacier. Should be a fun evening!
This portion of the journal is especially geared for Naperville
North's Earth Science classes. As we take measurements at each
stream, I will describe the streams and post pictures of each and
list the results of our measurements. The students in those classes
are studying past research on these streams and will make comparisons
to the new data. Each group has adopted one of the streams, so I hope
as I visit and show pictures of your streams, you will have a sense
of visiting them, too. Both Wharton and House Creeks flow into the
west end of Lake Chad, a small frozen lake that is separated from
Lake Hoare by a narrow, rocky spit of land. Water samples were taken
at both creeks.
House Creek flows between two steep rocky slopes. It has a very
shallow and narrow streambed littered with many rocks and boulders
that fall down the unstable slopes. The western slope may also have
litter from the moraine of the Seuss Glacier which is on that slope's
backside. Most glaciers in Antarctica are frozen to the base and
don't move like glaciers in more temperate zones. Rocks fall on the
tops of the glaciers and eventually are deposited in front of them in
a terminal moraine, or along the sides in lateral moraines.
Unfortunately, we were not able to take any measurements because we
couldn't find our elevation marks. We hope to come back and do that
Wharton Creek originates from a waterfall off the far southern edge
of the eastern side of the Seuss Glacier. Several feeder streams flow
into it along the glacier's edge. On cloudy days those feeders don't
run. The flow is extremely sensitive to the solar energy of the day.
The streambed is narrow, an average of about two and a half feet
across for most of its meandering length. It flows into a large sandy
delta and then into Lake Chad. We found several algae beds in the
wetted zone, and two in one of the feeder beds up the slope toward
the glacier. Along the southern side of the stream we found red,
green and black moss in an area about three feet long.
Here are the results of our measurement:
Conductivity= 32.6 uS (microsiemens)
Temperature= 0.5° C
Flow (discharge measurement) = 0.452 cfs (cubic feet per second)
pH=none because our pH probe is broken at the moment
Pebble count average (out of 100) = 1.5" X 1"

1. House Creek streambed. There is a trickle of water
down the center of the rocks but it is hard to see in this

2. Gage on House Creek.

3. Upstream view of the gage on House.

4. Wharton Creek with the Seuss Glacier in the
background. You can see its meandering pattern as it winds its way
along the sandy delta toward Lake Chad.

5. Algal mat. My boot toe can give you some scale.
Life is extremely scarce here. We have to be careful as we work not
to step on these tiny life forms.

6. For students (and you, Bill Grosser!), who are
interested in the geology of the area, take a look at what the
freeze/thaw cycles do to huge boulders--Splits them like they are no
stronger than a brick of cheese to a sharp knife.

7. Here's another example of the results of the
amazing weathering process that goes on here.

8. Lake Chad. Both House and Wharton feed this lake with
glacial meltwater. Can you see the mummified seal in front of the
rock in the foreground? Just two days ago I was asking where I could
see one. Now we have seen so many that we take them for granted. How
quickly we adjust to our surroundings! Let me know if I assume in my
journal that you know something that I have taken for granted.
Thomas on the ATV. Fun on the ice.
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