4 June, 2000
Current Events
June 4, Sunday
Here's a riddle for you:
How is the ocean like a loaf of bread?
To find the answer to the riddle, you first have to know about an instrument
called the Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler. That's quite a mouthful, so
scientists call it the ADCP for short.
The ADCP shows scientists how different currents in the ocean move. It also
tells them how fast the currents are moving. It doesn't only track the
currents on the surface of the ocean, though. The ADCP can also tell how
fast and in which direction a current is moving at any depth.
With the data they have collected, scientists have made an interesting
discovery. They have found there are actually different layers of water in
the ocean. These layers stack on top of each other like slices of bread in a
loaf. Each layer has its own characteristics; some are saltier than others,
some are warmer or cooler, faster or slower. The most amazing difference,
though, is that each layer can be traveling in a different direction than
the layers above and below it!
Understanding how ocean currents move is important to people for a lot of
different reasons. For centuries, fishermen and sailors have depended on
their knowledge of currents to find good fishing grounds or the best routes
for sailing. But scientists are just now beginning to understand that ocean
currents affect a lot of other things as well.
Ocean currents influence weather patterns all over the world. It's hard to
imagine how currents off the coast of South America could cause droughts in
Kansas. Yet that is exactly what scientists are finding out as they study
data from the ADCP and other experiments.
Figuring out how it all works is like putting together a giant puzzle. Each
scientist holds a piece of the puzzle. Working together as a team,
scientists help us better understand how the world works.
Riddle of the day:
What sound does a bubble make? To find out, click on Janice's page:
Janice’s Entry
DAILY DATA LOG (6/04/00):
Air Temperature: 36 degrees F
Clear skies, sunny
Latitude 52N
Longitude 52W

Ocean currents influence weather all around the world.

This graph shows the direction of various currents in the water. It's hard to see, but it is made of many tiny arrows that show the currents' directions. The different colors show the different layers in the water.
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