28 June, 2000
Simple Questions
There are two simple questions that are frequently asked at Summit that no
one seems to come to a consensus with an answer. These questions are:
Which way is north? and How much does it snow in 1 year? Simple, right?
We might as well be asking a question like whose going to win the 2000
presidential election in the US? Nick and I know the true answer to these
questions but every other research group here will argue against this claim.
The question about north is very controversial. Using a compass, the
needle will point to magnetic north. This is not true north, however.
Because we are so far north, we have to adjust our compass by 40.8 degrees
west to find true north. This is called declination. This is the
controversial part. Everyone has a different number for the declination.
Back home in Connecticut, declination is approximately 14 degrees west.
Each year is changes slightly so depending how updated your map is, will
depend on how accurate your calculations. We all have compasses that point
to magnetic north but when it comes to declination, forget it. We have
heated arguments about this situation but Nick and I know we're right.
The other simple question involves measuring. Snow, similar to rock and
soil, will deposit in layers with the youngest layer on top. Each research
group has dug at least 2 snow pits more than 2 meters deep (approximately
6.5 feet). There are beautifully structured layers within the pit. You
can easily (or maybe not) see each layer because of the texture of the
layer. Usually, a yearly accumulation of snow is delineated by a layer of
coarse, corn snow or a hardened wind packed layer. Since Nick and I are
both trained in geology and we have taken several snow samples and done
stratigraphy in the pits (identifying the layers), we are convinced that
the annual snow accumulation at Summit is 73 cm (we also have sonar
equipment that supports our hypothesis). Each group has a different rate
for snow accumulation which range from 50 cm to 73 cm. It is important to
know the exact amount of accumulation because it is when snow samples are
taken for the current year, you do not want to contaminate your samples
with old snow. Again, a point of constant controversy but Nick and I know
we're right on this one too.
The excitement here at Summit is a research group yesterday buried a drill
into the snow 14 meters (45.5 feet) and cannot recover it. It is really
stuck. The drilling took place about 2 miles off camp so getting any big
machinery out there to recover it is useless. They have been trying
different methods to get the drill out of the snow. The drill is
approximately 4 inches in diameter and made of fiber glass. It appears to
be frozen into the ground. Their next attempt in the morning is to drain
200 gallons of warm water down the hole and try to loosen the drill. My
feeling is that the water will freeze in the hole before they will be able
to turn it to loosen it. It will be interesting anyway. We lead such a
simple life here that problems like this are our only kind of
entertainment. I'm sure the research group doesn't view this as
entertaining but the rest of us do. Between this problem and the
construction of the 50 meter Swiss tower, we are totally entertained. This
is what happens when there is no television or radio. You have to learn
how to entertain yourself.
Ciao, Cathi
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