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TEA Collaborative Learning Group
Team Meetings


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Date: Jan. 26, 2002
Duration: 2.5 hours
Location: Las Delicias Mexican Restaurant / IMAX theater for
Parcticipants: Chris and Rob Funk, John Bell

Goal(s) of Meeting
To give a brief overview of the expectations I have of them in the coming year. I also offered myself as a resource for them to use while implementing polar research in their curriculum.

Overview of Session (e.g., resources used, discussion points, next steps, etc.):
I made a list of points I wanted them to be aware of including the benefits of joining the TEA Associates. We discussed possible uses for polar research in their classrooms. They let me know how I can help them down the road.

How did your team address pedagogy, content, the process of science, and the use of technology during the session?
Mostly, we talked about the technology necessary to follow my journals during my research trip. There was little known at the time, so I had to be general.

Additional reflections:

Date: Aug. 6 2002
Duration: 2 hours
Location: Douglas County High School
Parcticipants: Chris Funk

Goal(s) of Meeting
To plan a lecture for her IB (International Baccalaureate) biology students that would focus on the research I'll be conducting in Antarctica.

Overview of Session (e.g., resources used, discussion points, next steps, etc.):
I passed around samples of meteorites and talked about theories of origins of life from the meteorites.

How did your team address pedagogy, content, the process of science, and the use of technology during the session?
This addressed Colorado standards concerning evolution and natural hazards and processes.

Additional reflections: