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TEA Collaborative Learning Group
Annual Report


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How did your work with your team help you meet the professional growth goals you set for yourself?
We have only met twice. They are a great group of teachers and we are sharing our information and knowledge.

How did your work with your team impact your content knowledge and pedagogy?
One of our members has been teaching a Polar unit (emphasis on the Arctic) for several years. Our last meeting was held in his classroom where he shared materials and resources. We have yet to do any curriculum work.

What materials / resources / workshops did you use / produce / host with your team members over the last year?
Videos include: Ice Walk - the story of robert Swan's trip to the Arctic, North of the Yukon - the story of an Inuit trapped on an ice flow, Polar Prowl - animated video of animals of the north and south poles, Geography of Antarctica - National Geographic, Glaciers - Nature's Conveyor Belt, Ice on the Move - National Geographic, Polar Bear Alert - National Geographic, White wolf - Natiohnal Geographic, Rand McNally Alaska, Will Steger's walk across Antarctica, Arctic and Antarctica - An I Witness video, Arctic Refuge - A Vanishing Wilderness. Two of our group are also signed up for the Jason Project, Frozen Worlds, for the year.

Based on the past year, what ideas do you have to improve the effectiveness of your team interactions?

Total hours of collaboration with each team member:
8 hours with Peter, 6 hours with each of the other members

Additional reflections:
We are off to a great start!